They used to be called actors and actresses. But now, have you noticed, suddenly they are all "actors." When did that happen? And what is so wrong with calling a woman an actress? Since when is the differentiation of gender a bad thing? Since when is it passe? I see nothing demeaning in the mention of gender! It used to be so easy to say, for the award of an actress in a lead role...rather than for a female actor in a lead role.To my ears, it sounds cumbersome to have to spell it out that way.
Then, there is the ongoing annoyance to me, of an actor or actress delivering the line "I'm tired". Why aren't they looking or acting tired when they say those words? To me they almost invariably look way to perky, bright-eyed and bushy tailed to be saying:" I'm tired and I want to go to bed!" Even if they are playing a character who is lying at the moment, most regular people, when mouthing a falsehood, can "act" tired, even better than some award winners. It's not enough to just show up, in costume and make-up,stand on your mark, and deliver the right words! Somewhere in there, that believable persona must appear! Now, if you can't convince the audience...such as myself, that you ARE tired when you say you are, then what are you doing? Most would agree that it is rather basic to becoming a character and bringing it to life, which of course, is the actor's job. If you can't do that, then perhaps you're so caught up in being that glamorous star, that the art of your craft has escaped you...Or, you've got a really bad director! Or Just maybe you have never BEEN that tired! This last, I myself find hard to swallow, considering that I know it's hard work making movies. However! If that is the case, hey! Get a real job for a month,and learn how to say "I'm tired!" with sincerity.