I may have mentioned before that this is the only event that really interests me when it comes to the winter games.Kilter published a really great picture of the ice dancing couple, who used as one of their innovative moves, her with her leg over his shoulder, during a lift. ( How kinky is that?) Kinky or not, it is truly a beautiful shot! To see it, go to my people list, titled "Others who think" and click on Heykilter. He also has some insightful things to say about the pairs skating, and I agree.
I have always loved ice skating, ever since I was a little kid. I never did well with roller skating, because I just couldn't seem to get all four wheels going in the same direction at the same time, without falling. Ice skating is different.Sure, it's cold, and all, but you only have to worry about one blade per foot, and that just somehow seemed easier.Besides that, My older sister inspired me, when she and my Mother and Dad had this argument. She wanted to go ice skating.Our parents said no. But she said, It's ONLY six degrees below zero! What's the problem? Beyond that, Ice skating seemed safer somehow. When you are skating at an outdoor rink, they have to plow the ice clear of snow. When they do that, there is a build up of high banks of snow you can head for and land in, if you feel yourself falling! Even if you happen to be the youngest, dumbest one there, and everyone, including your sister and brother, talk you into being the one on the end when they play the game of "crack the whip"(that's where they get this whole string of kids going really fast around in a circle,and the one on the end ends up flying off into the outer stratosphere, at least there's a soft snowbank to pile into, rather than smacking head first into a tree!) Being the youngest of three, ice skating was almost the only activity where I did not get left out because I was too young to keep up with them.In fact, I began to feel rather smug about the fact that I skated so well. Not an Olympian by a long shot, however, I did get good enough so that I could make it around the rink more quickly than they, and I didn't need to hold someone else's hand as they seemed to.My sister was always hanging onto some boy to hold her up,and my brother always seemed to need to hold some girl's hand! Yes, I was totally innocent, and missing the point, but at the time, I was proud of myself. Besides that, I could skate backwards, and was starting school figures, such as figure eights before we moved so far away from the rink that I could no longer go there by myself. Sometimes, when I watch the skating on television, I wonder, just how far I would have gone with it, had we not moved. (sigh) Another road not taken. Oh, well. I dare say, irregardless of what might have been, my skating career would be over by now anyway!
OBTW...oh, by the way, when I am wrong about something, I admit it.Okay? So now I must admit there is one other thing I really liked about this years winter Olympics! Ricky Martin, singing at the closing ceremonies! YEAH!