Okay, it was a very cold day,and in the middle of K-Mart's parking lot, where a customer sees this car burning, and calls 911. In mere seconds the firetrucks are there, trying to put out the fire, of a car, now fully engulfed in flames. A woman is standing 10 or 12 feet away, crying, screaming, " My baby! My baby!" It is horrible.Even more horrible, because it was a local happening.This is the sort of story that hurts my heart so much. I can't help but think twice before blogging on it,in the main since my heart aches for that woman. How heartbroken she must be! What torture she had to have gone through to stand there, helplessly watching such a nightmarish scene! No doubt, she must have kept hoping against hope that she would wake up and find it was only a terrible bad dream! For just a moment, I identified with her.Poor baby! Poor woman! Poor thing, poor, poor thing. And then, as always happens when it is a tragic story of a woman and a child, I put myself in her place. And then it came to me. WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE STANDING THERE FOR!? Why wasn't she in there, fighting like a crazy woman trying to get into that car? Why wasn't she defying all reason and logic, in a mad attempt to reach her child, and get them out of that burning inferno? Why would I think that? Because I know what I would have been doing, were I her! Damn getting burned, damn the possibility I might die in the attempt, I am getting my kid out of there! You say, oh, but that is unreasonable. Is it? Who cares?! When you see your child in danger, reason has absolutely nothing to do with the case! Self preservation does not even enter into the thought processes of a mother when she sees HER BABY in trouble! Then I heard the announcer bring up the most terrifying aspect of all. The baby, her baby, was under the age of five years old! HUH? What was she doing, leaving a child that young in the car alone? She should have either been in that car with the child, or that child should have been standing by her side.Either way, that child would be with it's mother right this minute.
Last of all, I just heard a rumor that this mother had two children standing with her. This is worse than I originally thought. See, it occurred to me that she might have just stopped by to pick up one thing...she left her child in the car, perhaps because she needed to buy them a coat before she could take it out in the cold, and turned around to see the car burst into flames, and was so stunned, she could not react. But now, after hearing she had two kids with her, puts a whole new spin on this whole scenario. She took the older children, and left the baby because it was too inconvenient to take all three.Well, at the risk of sounding cold-hearted, she won't have to concern herself with that decision ever again, because the baby did not survive.
Well! Let's all hear it for doing things the easy way! PHHHHTT! (stands for a loud, wet raspberry)