I had, or have, a really good friend, whom I may have mentioned from time to time in my blogs here.We used to talk on the phone almost every night, and get together on a weekly basis, for dinner,and spent the evening contemplating the Bible and then playing games, or watching movies.We have been pals and confidants for years, and other than Yon son, since my mother passed away, this person was the only other individual on the face of the earth I thought I could trust and count on, no matter what. Well, that's what I get for thinking. I haven't heard from this person since Valentine's day. I have called, and no one picked up. I have left messages, but still, none of my calls have been responded to. Of course, all along I have known, in the back of my mind, that really, you can't totally trust anyone. Call me a pessimist if you want to, but it's true.No matter how close you are, no matter how much you love someone, and know they love you, somewhere, sometime, somehow, people being who they are, they are going to let you down. It is just a fact of humanity. I've known it, and accepted it, well in advance of this event. However, normally, usually, there is some warning, some trigger that sets things off,and you can say to yourself, well, that's what happened. This is why. Not this time. The last time we spoke, everything was just as usual.There was no fight, no disagreement...just suddenly, for no apparent reason, no contact.For a while, I thought perhaps they are sick, and can't come to the phone.But down deep in my heart, I know that isn't true. More than likely, it was something that was asked of me that I could not do, and miffed, they have gone off with another friend,and are avoiding me. At the same time, I am ashamed of myself for thinking such a thing, but it is the only explanation that makes sense. It is hard to consider someone who has been such a good friend as being that petty,and there again, this behavior is so out of character with the person I know, it is hard to reconcile the two.On the other hand, once before there was a lapse in contact, and when I finally got a call, my pal had gone out of town to spend time with distant family, without letting me know...even though they know how much I worry about them, with all their health problems. So, perhaps that is all it is, just an oversight on the part of a person whom normally is the soul of thoughtfulness and politeness,kindness and consideration.So, there you have an excellent example of the inner workings of my mind when I have a problem,or am upset about some situation.I wonder, and consider the whole picture from every possible angle. Being very analytical it is difficult for me to just take the situation on face value. Having so many possible scenarios,it is not likely that I will just throw my hands in the air, give up on that person, and dismiss them as one might a casual acquaintance.Nor am I going to hold my breath until I get that call. Life goes on, and my life does not consist of just one person.So, if and when I get that call, I shall be delighted to hear from them again, but if it never happens,Oh well! There isn't a lot I can do about it. So, even though they remain in my thoughts and daily prayers, just as so many others do, I refuse allow this newest disappointment to effect my overall natural buoyancy and love of life. I shall continue to read, to blog, to write, and pursue myriad other interests without bitterness or a grudge, but with joy in my heart and a smile on my face,and words of praise for my Creator on my lips.
This joy that I have, the world didn't give it, and the world can't take it away!