I was reading when the call came through...or perhaps I was watching "Bleak House"? It doesn't matter, and truthfully, whatever it was, I lost interest in it as soon as I heard "Mom?...I just called...to..tell you...how much I...Love. You." The catch in his voice, the tremulous tone made me sit up straight, suddenly. My chest constricted, and my blood pressure shot up. All I got out was " Honey?" He said, " I'm..all right, just...a little...shaky." I thought, OH. My. God! That is when and how a mother begins to pray. I said, "What happened?"
He had been dispatched to the airport. His trip was for a couple coming back home, and as they were about to get into the van,the man and his wife realized that a piece of their luggage was missing. The man, a Doctor, told his wife to go on home, and he would retrieve the lost piece and call another cab. Just as he was about to close the door,and wave them on, she spoke up and said, we can call the airlines from home and they will get it to us. He stood and thought for a moment,and then Yon son said, She's right. You could be here for hours, roaming around waiting for it. Thus being convinced, the doctor joined his wife,and they set off on I-74 for home.They had lost just a few minutes, but it was enough, for two cars ahead of them, in a reddish van, a young couple who had been drinking were having an argument. The fight grew to a crescendo in the middle of the I-74 bridge, when the man who was driving decided that in order to make his point, whatever it was, he would jump out! Without stopping! Without slowing down! Suddenly the drivers seat was empty, the door flapping wide open, the wind rushing in, and the woman strapped into the passengers seat couldn't reach the wheel, or the brake, and the vehicle went out of control, hit the median strip, flipped,and slammed right down on top of the man who had just landed there himself. The car following skidded to a stop, barely missing the wreak, and that is when Yon son pulled up at the scene. Wheels were still spinning, dust was flying,and the car that flipped was still spinning.And, there was baby-clothes all over the road. It only took a second to know that immediate help was needed, and Yon son called the dispatcher to report the accident. But when the doctor opened his door to go to the aid of the injured, everyone in the cab heard the screaming,and then the sirens coming from both sides of the river. Yon son said, " If it hadn't been for that luggage, we would have been right next to that car...we could have been involved in that wreak." Then there was muffled conversation, and I heard weeping. The doctor, first on the scene, had tended to the lady, put her on a back brace,and sent her to the hospital.The man, he pronounced dead at the scene. Hearing the news, Yon son and I both, wept.
So, yeah.The next time he is held up for a few extra seconds, or minutes, instead of being impatient, or angry, that doctor will be grateful....but Yon son, will praise the Lord! And, when he tells me about it, so will I.