Have you seen them? They are real, rolly-poly cats, and they are enormous! One is a mere 33 pounds, and needs special little stairs to get up on the bed! The other one is 45 pounds, and the owner lifts the cats hind end up, so it can get to it's accustomed spot.And while the television reporter was telling us that this huge 45 pounder only eats one cup of dry food and one can of moist food a day, and has no plans to put rolly on a diet, this cat is waddling away from the camera at the most unflattering angle.And I do mean, WADDLE. And, shame on me, I was filled with pity and sympathy for this poor cat, but at the same time, it just rolled from side to side,and I couldn't help it, I just cracked up! I mean, I tried not to, but some things are just too funny for restraint to have a chance. All I have to do is think about the sight, and I just giggle all over again. I guess, one of the reasons this tickled me so, was because I have been watching our own cat, Molly, walk away, and she has a bit of a waddle on her, too. Yon son and I have spoken about it,and we have decided that she is just too spoiled,and she needs less treats and tidbits, and more play-time. Now, understand me, she is way less than twenty pounds...a far cry from 33 or 45 pounds.She is sleek and her coat is glossy black, and far from lazy, she will take a notion and run from one end of the house to the other, time after time. She will stake out, and pounce upon any silly unsuspecting mousie interloper that finds it's way into the house.And, she will play with them for hours, for fun, but she won't eat them! She is a house cat( but she will spend hours staring out the window or the door) and hasn't a clue what to do with a mouse once it has given up the struggle, shall we say, and can't run away anymore.On occasion she will beg for a bowl of milk, when I am eating a bowl of cereal, but what she gets is a saucer of skim milk.My point being, she doesn't just stuff herself and then spend the rest of her time sleeping.But, after seeing these two fat cats on the news this week, I am going to take more of an interest in what she eats and try to prevent Molly from turning into one of those little butter balls, because it's obvious to me that they aren't healthy,and can't be very active, happy cats. After all, when you love something, and they don't know what is good for them, then you have a responsibility to govern that unhealthy behavior, don't you?