Never in my wildest dreams could I even imagine myself going on a talk show to tell the world that I am a touchy, dictatorial,nasty mouthed woman. And I certainly wouldn't ever say that I am a bitch, and proud of it! Whether or not I am such a thing is not for me to say...but I would be crushed if my husband or children or friends said such a thing about me! I really like Dr.Phil, and enjoy his show, but this program was beyond belief.They actually believed that being aggressive to the point of terrible, insulting name calling, and constant put downs of their husbands, motivated them to give their wives the things they wanted. Of course, the down side to this behavior is that these women lost their husbands respect, who gave them things to shut them up, but then also spent as much time away from home as they possibly could. One man even investigated being committed to a mental ward to get away from his wife's acidic tongue! They hated waiting in line at the stores..yeah, well, I can sort of understand that,but they would go ballistic to force the store to open another check-out lane,which the employees would do to just get rid of them. I have been known to reach that point too, but I got results in the nicest way possible. These women didn't see any percentage in being nice, they just got their own way no matter who it hurt. These women didn't start out this way, apparently.They used to be nice,and found themselves being walked on. I can sort of relate to that. I found out early on that when you lay down, like a door mat, someone is going to walk on you. But these women went from one extreme to the other...without finding that happy intermediate spot where you make your wants and feelings know, assertively, without being overly aggressive.Alright? Now, I know all too well, that with some people you just can't be nice, and you have to watch out for those individuals, because you can find yourself acquiring this mind set where you begin to treat everyone as though they are a user and some kind of flake, and before you are aware of how this experience has altered you, your treatment of all those you come in contact with is just over the top!
Dr. Phil's bottom line was, If you could see yourself the way he sees you, you wouldn't feel as though you had to be aggressive with everyone! You can be confident and assertive, without having to use rude, crude language to get your way, which really is the most desirable outcome for this sort of lady, because let's say you use profanity and insults to your husband from the time he wakes up till the time he leaves or goes to sleep. Pretty soon, he gets so used to it, he doesn't even hear it anymore. His wife saying "Get up you old &^%$##$$%^!" no longer phases him at all, and begins to sound like " Good morning!" And, lets face it, when that happens, your shock value has lost it's punch,and what is the next level?
Posted by: RONW | February 21, 2006 at 03:25 AM