How about, " Night worker"? Does that ring any bells for you? Why is it that creditors, who know Yon son works nights, insist upon calling any time of the day they take the notion, knowing he will be sleeping? It's not like he is difficult to reach, all they have to do is wait until the voice mail kicks in, leave the message, and they know from experience that he will be calling them back as soon as he gets it. After all, we are talking about a very responsible man here, not the artful dodger! He breaks his neck to pay his bills on time, and if he sees he isn't going to make it, he is first to call and say so, and make other arrangements. And, they all know that!
Okay, I am going to try to bring this down to a soft roar now, but it won't be easy.See, I just fielded a call from a company with which we have been dealing for a long time now...and Yon son is one of their few "gold card" customers.It is one of those rent to own of the best, and he has paid off several items already. He is on a first name basis with nearly all the employees. Heck! They are practically family! And, we are just weeks away from paying off yet another item. So, why today did they choose to call twice, within the space of two hours, and wake me up, when they know he won't be awake for another two hours from now? And, both times, I barely reach the phone,and it stops ringing! How annoying! So, the last time, I picked up the phone, scrolled to their ID, and hit phone and the phone dials the number. Upon reaching the man, I said, "You rang?"just like Lerch. That's about the way I was feeling, so why not? Slow on the up-take, he goes, "huh?" With a patient sigh, I identified myself, and he told me the reason for his call. Was Yon bringing in the payment? Even more patiently, I explained it had been mailed, SINCE payday had been changed, as they were fully aware of, and today being Saturday, Yon could not promise out his time to go there tonight.So, this man, having the brilliance of a mashed potato sandwich on white bread, responds sharply, Oh! Well, I guess we'll get it Monday then! It was all I could do to restrain myself from giving him a short, pithy list of other things he can expect to get, should he continue to wake me up during the day when everyone in the house is sleeping, from here on out! I could only reply with a soft, breathy "Yes." Still showing admirable control, I allowed him to hem and haw around for another moment, until he ended the call with"Okay, then I'll talk to you later.Bye!" Nerve endings tingling with irritation, as I hung up the phone, it occured to me that it is unlike me to allow such an awkward moment to stand, and it might be a sign that I am going into a reaction, and so, I should find my blood sugar kit.
So, I'd better go do that!
Posted by: RONW | February 12, 2006 at 02:21 AM