I know that most people will say that these are just bad kids, but don't you let them get by with that! Those youths are a sign of the times that things aren't getting better and better, as some preachers would have you to believe. No! Their behavior is proof positive that we as a country, are in trouble.We have become gods unto ourselves, deciding who is to live, and when we shall die,and honey, that is just not our call. But, I will set that aside for the moment, in order to make it clear that the laws now being handed down in our country has made life...human and animal, domestic and foreign, cheaper and cheaper. The evidence is piling up, and you won't be able to look away much longer.No, I am not defending those young men, or what they did. I refuse to allow that impression to stand. They knew full well what they did was wrong...they just didn't think anybody would really care if they did away with a homeless man! After all, he was just another person whom they thought nobody would miss. Someone easily thrown away, like the woman whose plug they pulled because she was in the way,or the unborn who end up in the trash every day. An annoyance, an inconvenience,so, why not beat him to death, just to find out what it feels like to kill someone? It's not like he was somebody they had vowed to love, protect and defend such as a child, or a parent or a person under their care. Can you imagine the shock that must have gone through their heads when they realized that this man had a mother, who was captured on television, crying over him? What must they think of her? I can imagine two diametrically opposed trains of thought, that might have run through their brains. One is, if she cared so much about him, why was he homeless? Where was she,and why wasn't she out looking for him? The other is, could it be that mom and dad can't get me out of this? Is it possible that after being convicted of murder, and spending years in prison, I could be let out on the streets, only to end up being just like that man? Or, why didn't somebody tell me that the violence I see on t.v. and in movies and video games was wrong? How can it be wrong for me to use a baseball bat on a homeless guy, but it's okay for a lady to kill her baby? Why doesn't the law tell us that the same law is true for one,and not the other? How come the law says a doctor can kill a patient, who is going to die some day anyway, but I can't bludgeon to death another man, who is also going to die some day anyway? Why didn't anyone bother to mention that those lives were just as precious and important as my life? Why is the law so confusing? Why don't the same rules apply for everybody? Those are some really good questions. It's too bad, but the answers are weak and ineffectual. Well, these things are taken on a case by case basis.Or, how about, we can't legislate morality. Oh, really? Well, somebody's morality is legislated,isn't it? And what happened to equality under the law? If one group or class is protected, shouldn't all be protected, even those who are too weak and can't speak for themselves? Or, who are momentarily overtaken by dispare or pain and cannot fathom a time to come when they would once again be glad to be alive...who need that extra time to get right with God before they are no longer in a position to do so.Case in point, there was a dear, dear man. My father, God rest his soul, who was in such pain, and was given a very short time to live.Unbeknownest to us, he purchased a gun, and drove out into the country, and sat there for hours thinking, and looking at the gun, holding it...but in the end, he came home,and told mother all about it.Together they faced the situation and got through it, and he lived another ten years. TEN YEARS! If assisted suicide had been legal then, that would not have happened,and those golden ten years would not have taken place.In addition, when I asked Dad about it, he told me the thing that kept running through his head was the truth of having been put here for a purpose. All of us have something we have been given to do, and we don't leave until that has been accomplished, unless we take our own lives.The catch, of course is, we don't know what that thing we are supposed to do is,but like ripples in a pond, our lives touch so many other lives, we are not the best judge of when we have lived enough, or how even our suffering may help or benefit someone else.