Okay, I don't mean to be a smarty-pants, but stop and think a moment before you ask questions on the Internet.The ingredients in a glass of orange juice is... Oranges, squeezed to make juice! Apples make apple juice, grape juice is from grapes. See how it works? Now, if you are buying anything else but orange juice, like say, orange DRINK, then you will have lord knows what in that stuff, but if it says orange juice, it better be comprised of orange juice, or you have the right to raise a fuss about it. Most Drinks, or cocktail drinks also list such items as pear juice, extra sugars, ascorbic acid, and calcium added, but they must by law list other things, if it is not 100% orange juice.Understood? Alright, I feel like a complete moron for even posting this, however, I followed a referrer back and they wanted to know the ingredients in orange juice. At first I thought this was a joke, but then I got to thinking. Not all our readers are from the United States, and some probably don't know what orange juice is. It could happen. Anyway, that is the long and the short of it,and remember if it's not so easy where you are to get a carton or a jug of orange juice, it will take several oranges to squeeze out just one glass of juice, and it's easier to get that juice out by cutting the oranges in half, and then use a juicer, or just squeeze away,and once that is accomplished, either eat out the meat or pulp of the orange, and throw the rind away.But, look at the fruit first, because a dried up dark orange is no good, and neither would a mushy one be.They should be plump, and of a bright orange color, but a pale one can be good as well. When in doubt, taste it first.It is best when served really cold, and one more piece of advice. Do not brush your teeth before drinking orange juice, the foaming agent in toothpaste makes orange juice taste terrible!