The God that I serve cannot fail me, and I know that he'll always be around. When the time comes to stand on what he told me, no better foundation can be found. And I know that's the kind of God that I serve, that's the kind of God that I serve. He's there when you need him , you can stand upon his word, that's the kind of God that I serve!
Now, I don't know what kind of God that you are serving, but I know that my God He's alive, and he loves you, no matter how hard your living, he'll give you a brand new life! That's the kind of God that I serve, that's the kind of God that I serve. He's there when you need him, you can stand upon his word, I know that's the kind of God that I serve!
That's the kind of God that I serve! That's the kind of God that I serve! He's there when you need him, you can stand upon his word! That's the kind of God that I serve!
He's God on the platform, He's God back at the door, He's God at the amen corner, He's God down on the floor- I know God is God, God will never change, I know God is God, and he always will be God!
He's God when the lightening flashes! He's God when thunder rolls, He's God way up in heaven, He's God down in my soul! I know God is God! God will never change, I know God is God and he always will be God!
He's God of the Hebrew children! He's God of Abraham! He's God in the firey furnace! He's God the great I am! I know God is God! God will never change! I know God is God, and he always will be God!
He's God that gave us Jesus! He's God that brought us out! He's God that'll move heaven! He's God that makes me shout! I know God is God! God will never change, I know God is God, and he always will be God!
He's there when you need him! I need Jesus tonight! I need Jesus Tonight! You can stand upon his word! That's the kind of God that I serve!
He's God in New York City! He's God in Tennesee! Right here in campmeeting, he's God all over me! I know God is God, God will never change, I know God is God,and he always will be God!
He's God that healed my body!
He's God that saved my soul!
He filled me with the Holy Ghost!
He's God that made me whole!
I know God is God! God will never change, I know God is God, and he always will be God!
He's there when you need him...He's right here! Jesus Is right here! Glory is right here! You don't have to moan and you don't have to groan, you can stand up on his word...That's the kind of God-That's the kind of God- That's the kind of God that I serve!
Glory to God!
(FOR THE FULL EFFECT OF THE ACTUAL CAMPMEETING, REPEAT THREE TIMES! Holy Ghost fire fell, people were dancing in the spirit, jumping and praising God and singing, in short the crowd went wild!)AND, just in case you need to know, the three Hebrew children in the firey furnace are Shadrack, Mechack and Abednego,but check the book of Daniel for the spelling of those names, okay?