Okay, the first thing I thought when I followed your referrer back is, "Who did this, and how did my website come up on this request?" But, as you probably know, the web is really good at picking a word here and a word there, and bringing up sites that have absolutely nothing to do with what your asking for.On the other hand, it can also put you in touch with someone who will be an answer to your request, if you are persistent. I don't know if you were serious, or just joking, wanting to see what you would come up with,and hey! if you hit paydirt...shall we say, where's the harm? If you ran across someone who was looking for a grown child to adopt, to leave their fortune to, then you'd be set for life, and never have to work another day in your life. Is that what you thought? I suppose it could happen, but don't hold your breath. In the first place, to those whom much is given, much is expected.Were you to actually come in contact with such a couple, or lady, they would expect much of you.It's not like the situation where they have a natural child, and have to accept whatever they get. Adopting a grown person would entail being worthy of the name...the rich family name that is. Someone who not only looks and acts the part, but whose past life has not been riddled with scandal and shameful behavior, and run ins with the law.See, I am not rich now, but I have been rich, and I have been poor, and it is not difficult to see what you want, or what they would want of you.They would expect a nice, intelligent young man who would take care of their interests,and rather than lay about and squander their money, invest it wisely and cause it to continue to grow.Someone with a wise business sense, who would be careful with their money, and also, be a son to them, and perhaps take care of them as they grow old.Money does not insure anyone against wanting to be loved and cared for as their lives draw to a close.Money does not hug you and say I love you, and It can't buy that either. Not really. A person may be able to go through the motions and say all the right words, but the feelings cannot be fake, because people can detect those things. Even if one tries, eventually, the facade shatters,and the real person shows through for who and what they truly are. Or, the faker, the player, tires of the games, and tells the truth. Now, I don't know if you were born and bred by people who denied you love and affection, and you are now such a high maintenance guy that you felt driven to make this search for parents, or if this is some sort of nincompoopery devised for a laugh,just to see what you could get. In either case, what you got this time, was one woman's opinion,which should come as no surprise to you or anyone else who hits on this site.If you haven't been successful in your original search, you are probably better off to forget the whole thing, find a job you love,and make your own way in the world, because if you do find that couple, or that lady who want to adopt you, I have a feeling that it will be your undoing, and in all probability, ruin your life before it even gets well started. At the age of 28, you haven't lived enough to have the slightest idea what I am talking about, but trust me. Having too much too soon, is worse than having nothing at all. Starting at rock bottom, there's no place to go but up, unless you are too lazy or infirmed to work. Starting at the top, well...it's a long ways to fall from, and once it's gone, so will your ambition be.See, it's fun making a fortune! It's exciting to watch it grow,and bloom and prosper, and to know that you did it! But, when someone hands you something on a silver platter, it's just responsibility, a worry and a headache. Without all the fun that went before, you'll just waste it,because you didn't achieve anything.Once the novelty wears off, you will be bored, because if you've got all, you don't have to do anything.That is why rich women spend so much time shopping. What else is there to do?
Oh,wait! Maybe that's what you want. A rich, bored woman, who has nothing better to do, so she adopts you, to make you over! From the skin out.Clothes, hair, and grooming. She could teach you how to walk and talk correctly, introduce you to all her old cronies,and you could learn how to play bridge to sit in to make a forth on the days there aren't enough for a good game! Oh yes, the picture is getting clearer now. She can offer your services to all her friends daughters to escort them to high profile parties and balls. Why, you'll be climbing that social ladder in no time, with mummie at your elbow every minute, guiding you along telling you what to say, and where to go, and it will be a social whirl every minute! Just think of it! No more sad,lonely nights out with the boys, drinking beer,and watching silly old football games. You'll be far too busy for that sort of thing.You'll be playing tennis, and going to polo matches instead of playing pool or bowling. Yeah, all things considered, just forget all my words of caution. Now that I think about it, it looks like your future could be mapped out for you in a matter of months! Why, if you played your cards right, you might never have to make another independent decision the rest of your life! Mummie could find you the right Heiress to take over your social calendar long before she passes away,and then of course,your rich wife could take over where Mummie left off! And, don't forget the golden rule! She who has the gold, makes all the rules! So, good luck with that!
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