Don't believe it? Well.Maybe not. Perhaps it was just part of my dream.Have I mentioned my dreams to you before? In my dreams, I can fly...and I have wings. That's not so terribly strange. A great many people dream the same dream, but they don't tell anybody about them.I write them out,just as soon as I can stumble out of bed and into the dinning room, so that I can remember as much of my night's activities as possible. Before the dream turns into little wisps and floats away...In this nights dream, I heard my name called, and was accompanied on stage with Yon son to receive an award for the screen adaptation of a compilation of my dreams.Okay, it's a little more complicated than that. I got an Oscar.Huh! Like that's going to happen.But Hey! It could happen! They say you have to believe it to see it. Well, last night, I saw it. I came out in full regalia,crystal tiara on my head, hair just so, in a beautiful flowing gown, and saw clips of the movie I wrote.
I can still remember the night the inspiration for my books came to me. Just BOOM! There is was, total and complete, and for the last twenty years I have been trying to get it all down on paper.
And all that time, I have had people asking me, well,can you tell me what it's about? If I could just tell you what it's about, I wouldn't need to write a book about it! It's like another life! It's complicated. I guess you could consider it to be a whole new genre. It's mystery/fantasy/spiritual/ sci-fi/slice of life!
Think about that one for a while!
Posted by: RONW | January 24, 2006 at 08:01 AM