Most people laugh when you say that you have a strong extra-sensory perception connection with someone. Laugh if you like, it doesn't bother me. I know what I know.No two people could possibly have as many "coincidences" between them, without there being something else going on.I am, of course, speaking of myself, and Yon son.The argument could be, well, you just know one another so well, you can anticipate each other's needs, wants, and desires.Naturally, to a certain extent, that could be true.However, it does not explain things that happen on a daily basis.Now, I am not referring to the ongoing needs that he provides me with all the time. When I tell him I need masking tape, or blistex, or a diet-caffeine free pop, or a Peach Snapple,tissue or paper towels, he will break his neck to get them for me.Nothing so unusual about that.Any good man will do that for his mother, if they are on good terms, I believe. But I am not talking about that. I am saying he will show up with something, out of the blue, unasked, with something that I need, BEFORE I've had an opportunity to say a word to him about it.And, maybe need is too strong of a word in some cases. Wants, is more like it.I'll get up in the middle of the night, feeling funny, and run my blood sugar,and think, gee, I wish I knew where the egg pan was, I'd like to have a poached egg with my toast tonight, for my snack so I can take my pills....which are two hours late,and he will come bursting through the door just in time to find it for me.Also, bearing with him a square of fudge, or a chocolate covered cherry, which I do NEED, since my blood sugar was at 50...way low, and I am already far into a reaction because of it.Normal, for my machine, by the way, is 113! And these things don't happen just once in a while! No! This is every! These scenes are countless. I cannot tell you how often I will put out my hand, and before I have a chance to get my mouth open, he places in my palm exactly what it is I was going to ask for. The phone rings, and I know without looking at the caller I.D. who it is, and especially, if it is he. I throw away a dried up favorite pen two hours after he has left for work, and in the morning he will bring a whole handful of new pens to me. But I would not have you thinking that this is just a dutiful son whose used to the fact that his mom is a high-maintenance girl.NO. He will make a pit stop, and while he is here and I am asleep, he will go and dig a chicken out of the deep freeze, and stick it in the fridge. When I get up, and go to the fridge, I will grab the chicken and put it in the crock pot. Now, lest you think I would do that because it is so obvious that he put the chicken in there for me to start, let me disabuse you of that impression. My fridge is crammed full of food. The meat drawer is full, the vegetable drawer is full, and there's pop and yogurt and condiments galore in the door and left-overs on the shelves. In fact, one must be artful to the core to insert one more thing in there, most times.I could just as easily have started ham and beans, or chili, or spaghetti sauce,or a corned beef brisket, or a dozen other dishes. But I didn't. I had in mind chicken soup and dumplings, and when he came home, he informed me of his sudden taste for chicken and dumplings, and I said, I know, it's already cooked.And even though I have faithfully printed out the words we used, believe me, the conversation was not the nonchalant exchange you might have interpreted it to be.This was all done with wide-eyed wild surmise,and shocked faces. Yon son went a little pale, and said, "WELL!" I may or may not have turned white as a sheet,and said something profound like, "Yes, definitely View halloo!"
Which only goes to show you that odd occurrences may happen continually, but that doesn't mean you can really get used to it.There is one thing that happens all the time, that is a never ending source of amusement for us,and it's this.We will be conversing, while the t.v. is on,and we will both say a word, such as parsley or bupkus, or mangle.Immediately, that word will be repeated on the television.As I say, this happens over and over and over again, and most generally, it is not a word that you would expect or anticipate hearing on the tube.Why or how this goes on, I have no idea, however there is one thing that is a common thread for it happening, which is, the program is live. Once upon a time, I might have closed this out by saying, kind of creepy, what? But not anymore. Now, all I can say is, that's just the way it is.I guess we'd better get used to it.
Posted by: RONW | January 25, 2006 at 07:12 PM