Every day, I get a new credit card offer.Sometimes two. Sometimes more. Usually, I just laugh, and open it, laugh some more, and file it away.I have reached their criteria for credit.Well, "ain't" that nice? Too bad, they don't reach mine! Their APR is just all over the road, or the annual fee is stupid, or one or another niggling consideration is wrong, or I just flat don't like the cut of their jib. Some are very complimentary, with a cover letter that is so flowery and suave and smooth you can almost hear dinner music. They've offered me cars, cash and down payments to purchase a new home,just for saying "YES!" to their card, with my choice of color, pattern, and theme on the actual card. How utterly, utterly divine! What it all boils down to, of course, is, they are saying, here's another opportunity for you to go further into debt! Sorry fellas. Not this little black duck! Then, there are the banks.Not just local ads, mind you, but offers from banks from all over the country, to open checking and savings accounts from as far from me as 2,300 miles away. Now, why in God's green earth would I put my trust, not to mention my money, into a bank I cannot even go to by taking a few minutes trip downtown? That just doesn't even make any sense! What good are they? They can't cash my check,or issue me any immediate checks, so what are they thinking? To me, the whole concept is completely irrational.Okay. I have covered funny, and now, silly. But I'm just getting started. Now we move on to the truly annoying. This is local, but it is so slick, it can't be the only one. There is this ad on t.v., that every time I see it, I am increasingly irritated. There is this blonde, fresh faced young man who looks like he has been scrubbed within an inch of his life, with big blue innocent eyes staring at me from dead center of the screen, and he is talking about all the terrible things soon to happen financially. Heating bills are going to go sky-high, the credit card companies are going to triple their rates, don't you get caught by surprise...or caught short, or however he words it, take out a loan with us today, and be prepared! His whole visage says he's the guy next door, whose in the know, and he wants to help you avoid problems, but what he is trading on is fear.And every time I see his face, I am reminded of what Jimmy Stewart says in" It's a wonderful life!". "Can't you see what's happening here? Old man Potter isn't selling, he's buying!" He wants to take it all away from you! He says he wants to help you...and he does. He wants to help you get further and further into debt,and then he can take your home, your car and everything you have worked for away from you. In it's own way, it is worse than the title loans and the payday loans, because at least you know they want money, and they aren't being kind,benevolent, or generous, it's strictly business.
So, when you get those offers, or you see those ads, don't be fooled into thinking this is a good way to solve your money problems.Read every blessed word on the page, or on the screen before you pick up the phone, or answer that letter.If you can't afford to make the payments you already have, then you can't afford another card, or loan or account.You don't have to be a math whiz to figure that out...it's just that simple! These people aren't into this for their health, or to make you happy. They want you in debt, so they can make money, and they don't care who they hurt to get it!