At the risk of sounding like some sort of doubter,why would anyone elect to be a prophet? I mean, if such a thing were possible, which I am assured it is not,then why? A day ago I ran across a request for how to pray a prophetic prayer. Right off, It was clear to me that this individual hasn't read the Old Testament because no one could possibly desire to have the life of a Prophet of God.These men...and women, had hard lives, filled with frustration,weren't believed, or if they were, they were hated and/or feared. They were accused of all manner of evil when they spoke the truths God gave them to speak,and more often than not, they were killed because the kings and townspeople didn't like hearing the word of God. On the upside, they did have a close relationship with the Lord,and had visions and insights into what was to come that others could not enjoy,but most of those visions were so far beyond anything those prophets had the ability to understand, that even when they or a scribe was able to write it down, they had to have gone away with a deep wonder and amazement in their minds as to what it all meant.This created a rift between that generation and this one, because they did not have the language to communicate in our vernacular what it was they saw.Which, I am sure, was in the mind of God all along.Now, we can read those words, and see their visions, but only in part, and for the true understanding of those writings, we still need to stop,and ask the Lord for his guidance and wisdom before we read them, or they will be as clear as mud to us too! Beyond that, Prophets were laughed at, lampooned and the objects of ridicule.They had practically nothing in the way of riches or creature comforts, they had only their mission,the "burden" of the Lord, a close walk with God, and his provision,and the promise of great rewards in heaven.Their daily lives were hard,with little to eat, rough clothing,and a lone life.Even when they did the Lord's bidding, and the word was accepted, there was only the satisfaction they had done their job,and even then, they had to have gone through a great deal of frustration, when seeing those to whom they were sent turn around and go back on that message, returning to their old ways.
Now we are currently experiencing global disastars of biblical proportions,and suddenly we see people running to anyone who might be in touch with the visions of "God", such as poor old Nostradamus, or Edgar Cayce,and other well -known "Prophets", as well as some new Johnny come latelies, who have come to light proudly announcing themselves to be Prophets and (ahem) Prophetesses,and giving prophecies which are highly suspect in my mind, because what they are saying does not line up with the world of God. A general rule of thumb to guide us is, if it does not line up with the word of God, it is not OF God.For instance. Of late, we have had a number of people who have said this day or that day is the day the world will end, or Jesus is coming back on this date, But Jesus himself called it the day no man knows. Now, any man who is a serious student of the bible knows that God changes not, he is the same yesterday, today and forever, and God does not lie.So, when someone comes up with a date of the second coming, or the day the world will end, who are you going to believe? Some self-proclaimed Prophet in the business of gathering followers, and trying to make a name for him or her self, or the Word of Almighty God?
On the other hand, it might be profitable for such "Prophets" to be in the lime light.Once we understand who they are, and what they're game is about, we need not worry if they start advising world leaders.Let them lay out their plans for ending war, and third world hunger, and then, do exactly the opposite! But seriously, don't let these people deceive you.Even if they gather followers because they are able to accurately predict some things, to get the worlds attention, remember, our enemy, that old deceiver, is able to transform himself into an angel of light,and lead the children of God astray. Now is the time,when this is more possible than ever before, because current events have people unstable, uncertain, and frightened. But don't you be.Remember that every time the Lord sent an Angel to someone, the first thing that Angel said was "FEAR NOT!" Trust in the Lord.He will bring us through whatever is to come!