Does that mean that you are the actual, leadership and spiritual head of the family, or just the titular head? This may come as a shock, but there is a difference. Are you the head of the family because your are a man, and therefore feel entitled to the position, or are you an actual head of the family, meaning you are someone your wife and children can depend on when the going gets tough, to be there, and take a leadership role? Do you lend a hand in all aspects of the family life, or just come home from work, grab a beer and fall into your chair until dinner is announced? Naturally, I am assuming that you work for a living, to bring in money to support your family, but what else do you do? If you say, that is all, and isn't that enough, the answer is no. The needs of a family are so involved and diverse that it takes two adults to care for a family properly.If you would be the true head of the family, you not only must bring in money to support needs such as shelter, food, clothing, utilities and medical coverage, but also to be emotionally ready to comfort and teach your children, and to help your wife to bear the stress and strain of everyday responsibilities in dealing with the children.Then, of course, there are her emotional needs,which you are to full fill, while at the same time, she fulfills yours.It's really rather exciting to watch your relationship grow under those circumstances, for while she focuses on you, and you focus on her, you can grow together.But take care. Trouble comes when you take your eyes off each other, and start focusing on self. That is when discontentment and unhappiness comes in.When you begin thinking thoughts like" what about me? ", You've lost your center. Most importantly, the man of the family is the one who is intended to be the spiritual head of the family. Not like some heavy-handed dictator,ruler, or preacher, but as guide into the truths of the Kingdom of heaven, praying with his wife and children, in humility, having compassion and love for each one, and praying the Lord's blessings on his wife and children, daily.For true family unity, the secret is, while you are focusing on the wife, and she on you, you both focus on the children, and(here's the tricky part) the whole family focuses on God, because YOU draw them into the presence of the Lord every day. It is the man, taking time to be with them in studying the word of God, and being there, fully clothed in the whole armor of God, ready to defend his wife and children from the not only physical, but spiritual attacks that shall surely come their way,and Christ-like, being ready to lay down his life for them, should the need arise.For, as scripture says, Husbands, love your wives, as Jesus Christ loved the church! He must be gentle, loving, kind, thoughtful, willing to do his part, in any capacity for the betterment of his family, no holds barred.Grimly determined to keep his vows, and tenderhearted enough to forgive his family their shortcomings, without meanness or violence.And not so prideful he feels it necessary to beat his wife or children over the head with the bible to get their attention or cooperation.
Now, that is the definition of the Head of the house, the Head of the family! My hat is off, and I give total respect to any man who fills that position.
So, what say you, sir? Are you ready to step up to the plate and be a family man? Think carefully before you say yes, for once you have taken on the job, it's forever. You can't quit in the middle and take off for parts unknown! Once you are a father, you will always be a father, whether you fulfill your part of the bargain or not.
Oh, yes, we have seen many men run out on the family.In a moment of romantic zeal, they drop to one knee, and ask a woman to marry them, and then along come children, and before they know it, they are overwhelmed with the enormity of the job.And, rather than do the work, and look to God for strength, they bail out. I won't pretend we haven't seen any heads of house do that. But then, once they have done that, they aren't the head of the house anymore, are they? No, they are just another deadbeat dad,and we are seeing all to clearly what sort of messed up society is created when the father is not there to take his rightful place, to fill his role in the family he helped to create. And it's such a shame, because God promised never to put more on us that we can bear.And, only to think. All any of those fathers who ran out had to do, was to ask, and they would have found a way to be the man God intended them to be.Not the man of the family in name only, or absentee, but the real, true man of the family. An honorable position! A man any son could look up to, and admire!