This is the night. This is the moment, now, when it has once again come together. I can deeply feel the hand of God upon me, and we have been communing in the spirit,hanging in time suspended, I tingle with his touch, and I have been drawn to the glass door to look out and see his handiwork.As I gaze out past the street lamp, I can see the shards of snow descending in a cascade of west to east wind driven gusts, slanting hard to the ground. The sky is lavender,gnarled with the black naked tree limb tentacles reaching upward, outward and downward, now taking on a coating of frigid,glittering white frosting. He speaks to me of what has transpired, and of what will come, and my soul is filled with his glory and love.The pain of the past hours my body experienced, as always just before the storm, is now lifting, and I thank him for that,even as my "wings" tweak me just a little.There is no revelation without pain. No enlightening without a physical shudder of agony just preceding their emergence from my scapula,but as they bloom over my head and shoulders,and as I flex my muscles, I can hear the whir of their stirring the air, and even though I cannot see them, I know they are there.There is no vision, this night in my mind's eye, of the throne room, but I can hear his voice speaking to me, and he tells me of things that have gone before, and I can only gaze, eyes beginning to tear, as those words, so precious, come to me. I am told things so important to hear, that the whole world seems to have held it's breath, so I miss not a single word.The reason for the pain is given, and it is perfectly understandable, now, why I had no rest for so many hours before this night.Why I was so weary from lack of sleep when the call came through telling me of the fulfillment of the prophetic word I gave over two years ago,and had repeated over and over again, at his prompting.The warning which had fallen again and again on deaf ears,until all those components of the impending doom it was given to me to predict had fallen into place, and once they were there, I stopped relating them, and those to whom it was given me to tell, seemed pleased that I stopped.It was not a good sign, but they took it as such. Now when the call came through, I was so sleep deprived, I could not properly react as one most surely had expected.My emotions were taken over by a mind-numbing,thick tongued apathy that refused all but the most basic responses as the story tumbled out.I know it appeared that I did not care. This was not so.Deeply I have cared enough to bull my way through for months at a time to push home the story that I knew was to come, all to no avail.It was given to me this night to wait until all had been said, and then I said the only thing I was allowed,nay, capable to say.
"I am so terribly sorry it has all come to this, but you do remember that I told you over two years ago of the word the Father had given me, do you not? Now you ask what can we do. All we can do now, is to pray the Omniscient, Omnipotent Father will be merciful, and to intervene in this situation,and to keep that loved one who would not listen to sound advice and fair warning, who walked into this with eyes wide open,and yet willingly blind as a bat, went back time after time, will be spared. Please forgive me, but I am so tired, I can barely stay awake.I love you, and I know you want to talk this out, but I have to go to bed.Don't stress over this any more tonight. Get some sleep, and we will talk tomorrow." I wanted to cry aloud, but I couldn't.It was all I could do, with help, to get to bed. I was asleep almost before my head hit the pillow. Were it not so, I wouldn't have been able to function, other than to weep and wail and mourn the ultimate fate of someone so dear to me, she might well be considered my own daughter. But, of such is the grace and mercy of God Almighty. Grace! Unmerited favor had been shown to me and to those whom I love so dear, with such early and detailed warning, that cannot be explained any other way than the Love of God...but it had been ignored, and now, no matter what happens, my faith in him will not be shaken, because I am not a Prophet,yet an important prophesy was handed to me, and it was right and true, but not respected.
What more could God do? They knew I was a servant of the Lord for many years. He loved them enough to give me that warning. He cared enough to make me repeat it over and over and over,in the very face of smiles and even laughter at my dogged relentless "Jesus Freak" delusions.He only let me stop saying it when it was too late to change what was surely going to happen. Now, let me make this clear. I am nobody. Nothing.I deserve no honor or glory, and I expect none.All I did, and all I do, is to try to follow the leading of the spirit. All the honor and glory go to God, should this turn out well. Keenly do I feel my failure to reach those to whom I was sent.But, He sent it, not I. All I did was to try to deliver his wisdom, but they received it not.I am just a messenger in an Iron breastplate. Or, to put it another way...IRONANGEL.