I can hear it already. Okay, Featherhead, you're getting just a little too strange and fanatical for us! But it's not me, I swear! I am writing this in response to a referrer, who asks, how to pray a prophetic prayer.First, I am not certain what this person was asking for, but I suspect that they want to have the gift of prophesy.The only reason my site popped up was because I did give a prophetic word to someone about two years ago, only because I was praying for that person, and when I delivered the warning, for that is what it was, it was ignored. So now, two years later, she is in a mess because that word is being fulfilled,and I blogged on it the other day. Not in order to say I was right and you should have listened to me, but to serve as a further warning to women in the same type of situation.The point being,I did not ask to be a prophet. I do not consider myself as such a thing.I am just a Christian, who prays for anyone I know who needs it,Christian or not, and the more they need the Lord's help, the harder and longer, and more often I pray for them. Sometimes the Lord gives me a word to give to that person,and believe me, some of them have been very difficult to convey, but that is to be expected. God does not give gifts simply because you want it,to squander it frivolously. It is a very serious calling, and he will use whom he will use.Understand? First, naturally, you choose God, through his son Jesus Christ,and then, God chooses you, for whatever it is he has for you to do.Be it teacher, preacher, evangelist,intercessor, or prophet, the choice is God's bailiwick, not yours! He knows your strengths and weaknesses, and he will give the calling. You may pray for whatever it is you want, but it is not your requests or your desires that makes the difference.I am sorry if that is disappointing to you, but I can only tell you the truth. However, be comforted by the fact that they also serve who only sit and wait upon the Lord.There are no lesser callings.I know there is a sudden resurgence of interest in the gifts of the spirit, and judging from certain magazines, right now, being a prophet is being celebrated, with quotes, pictures, names and whole articles splashed across their pages. If that is what you are after,my dear, I am sorry, but I don't believe God will honor your request. I could be wrong, but the God that I serve is more interested in the message being given to that one in need, than making some kind of little tin god out of someone who just wants fame and fortune. However, if you are sincere, then you will have no problem with my previous statements! And, being sincere, if you have read this post carefully, you now know how to pray,and the only thing left to do, is listen for that still, small voice, and be obedient to give that message in Love,at the Lord's prompting, and repeating it as often as the Holy Spirit guides you to do.