In our services today, among other things, Francis read off the names of new members of the church from around the United States, and from around the world,and then the whole congregation welcomed them, whether they were with us by radio or the Internet, or in person, and then Jimmy introduced two Latino brothers who were saved out of gangs and drugs, or whatever else, but to look at them, you could tell they were saved, both of them looking hale and hearty, with big smiles on their faces, and naturally we all rejoiced that two more lost souls had joined the family.Then Jimmy sat down at the grand piano and did the instrumental number, " Meeting in the air" which I have always loved, even before I knew what it was. Nobody, but nobody, can play the piano Like Jimmy!And, I was flying! Jimmy was rockin out! There is nothing staid or slow or morose in the way Jimmy plays that gospel song, and I could tell by the reaction of those on site that they felt the presence of the Lord in that music just as I did! Even when he plays by himself it's great, but as usual on Sunday, the musicians were there to back him up and it was so rich and beautiful, people were worshiping and praising God, jumping up and down, hands in the air, laughing and smiling and crying, dancing in the spirit, and there wasn't a single person there with a sad look or a grumpy face.And all the while everyone was coming up to the front to toss their tithes and offerings into the boxes on the altar, greeting each other with smiles and hugs!Then, he slowed the pace down with a few grace notes, and introduced the next song, and I quickly turned up the volume on my computer,and the karaoke and I taped it, so that I could transcribe the words to this, one my favorite gospel songs, because it just might be one of yours, too!
He said, "let this song bless your heart."
No one ever cared for me, like Jesus- there's no other friend so kind as he-
No else can ever take the sin and darkness from me- Oh how much he really cares for me
I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus- Since I found in him a friend so kind and true
I would tell you how he changed my life completely- he did something that no other could ever do-
No one ever cared for me like Jesus - there's no other friend so kind as he
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me-Oh how much he really cares for me
All my life- and this goes for every human being who has ever lived- was full of sin-But Jesus reached down and found me-that found that my heart was full of misery and woe-it made no difference that I was a prodigal, trying to come home-He placed those strong and loving arms around me,and he led me in the way, I ought to go-
No one ever cared for me, like Jesus- There's no other friend so kind as He- No one else could take the sin and darkness from me- Oh how much he really cares for me- Oh how much he really cares for me!
Then Jimmy preached from the book of Exodus, beginning with Moses saying to pharaoh "Let my people Go!" with fire and passion, and ending up with the campmeeting that had to have taken place when the Children of Israel reached the other side of the red sea, and turned to see Pharaoh's army engulfed in the waters of said sea closing over them! We started singing "Hallelujah!", the musicians and singers joined in, Allison ran and got her tambourine, and I believe the fire fell! The whole place just cut loose because it didn't matter if the lady was wearing a suit or dress or jeans another lady was going to hug her neck or press her hand as they sang, it didn't matter if the man was wearing a suit or not, he was going to get a big old bear hug from some other fella, or a clap on the back of good fellowship,and it sure didn't matter what color anybody was, because we have all kinds in our church, and we love the brothers and sisters! I saw some few kneeling at the altar, weeping, and no sooner did they kneel, they were surrounded by brothers and sisters, laying hands on them, hugging them, praying for them, and crying with them,and making good use of the several boxes of tissues that dot the altar! Once again, I saw and felt and heard what I always do at our church...a glimpse of what it must be like in heaven...and I am looking forward to that!