My on line friends, that is. You will find them under the heading" OTHERS WHO THINK" which is my people list.The list isn't large, and it isn't exactly complete, either, but if you visit thesteeldeal, you just might have a chance to be treated to a blog or comment from Phoenix, whom, if she had her own website, I would have on my list,too. Every last one of these individuals has a different point of view, a wild eye, if you will allow me that latitude, and they are a wonderful read. The list is small because I hand picked each one for their ability to express themselves, and another quality.For simple beauty, check out Clare Grants' " THREE BEAUTIFUL THINGS"! For a refreshing up beat lady, try WENDI SPECIALE'S N2 art, "Oh my blog!" For a Frank viewpoint on currant affairs, cartoons, jokes, and pictures of a questionable nature, try "STEEL TURMAN",but I must caution you, he can be rather raw at times, but he is very intelligent and witty, and even has a sensitive side, so it's worth the gamble. Don't let the "OLD PROFESSOR" put you off, he's a great guy and is very with it! You must drop by and visit RON WAIKIKI, he always has something interesting to say, or beautiful pictures, or both, with just a touch of whimsy, from the Islands, no less! And then there's " AM I DREAMING OR..." She is a hoot! Then, there is Rick"GOTTABUZZ /COFFEE" who always has something unusual to say, and then Last, but certainly not least, is "HEYKILTER!", whose a newbe, with a running horse as his icon, and again, so different,you will come away with a refreshed feeling, and just perhaps, inspiration!
Oh, well. Check them out, and enjoy!