I found myself singing yesterday morning, before and again after church.I found myself smiling and singing again today, for no apparent reason.One would find that unremarkable, if everything had been going well. But of late, my blessings have been mixed.I've been confronted on several matters that I had long ago settled in my own mind, and all at once, without warning, there it was again, staring me in the face..testing me. Tempting me. Like an idiot, I thought about it.Instead of following what I had already thought was settled, I toyed with the notion,turning it over and over in my mind, considering all the ramifications from every conceivable angle.Here was an opportunity for such an advancement it took my breath away.I let it set there on the desk. Went away. Came back and looked again. Just for fun, I analyzed, strategized, and considered calmly, and then set it on the back burner to cook a little longer. While that was simmering away in my mind, I was confronted with yet another such matter, already decided upon, on a completely different subject! You can imagine the mental stuttering that went on then! The second offer was such a surprise that it drove me to my knees, figuratively speaking. While still stunned over the second, the full picture of the first popped into my head, and of course, it was clear that I had to follow my original resolve, irregardless of this new temptation.As I set about to do that which from the very beginning I knew to be the correct response, that still small voice I believe bore witness to my spirit that I had chosen wisely.The turmoil in my being washed away,and I turned the other matter over to the Lord, just as I had some time past done with the first one. At that moment, I felt elevated to another level, spiritually. I turned a corner and found my feet planted on higher ground.While it is true that a double minded person is unstable in all their ways, great is the contentment of those who seek the advice of the wonderful counselor, listen to his word,and follow his leading.I may not do as well in certain things as those who fall for the temptations of the world, and yet, I sleep well, and when I awake, I rise up singing the praises of God! The hours may be long, the choices may be hard, but the payment, in the end, can be great!