Oh, I know it is a secular magazine, but what I have seen, up till now has been careful to do no violence to the word of God. Now, they have let themselves and me, and others like me, down.We are warned in scripture to not even speculate on when that wonderful and terrible day of the Lord's returning will be.It is known as the "day that no man knoweth." Well, that's pretty clear, isn't it? Neither man, nor angels, nor saints, nor even our Savior himself knows when that day will be. Only God knows when he is going to step to the portals of Glory, and tell his son to go get his children. Simple, clear, direct and to the point as anything could be. And yet, on this weeks Sun magazine, emblazoned in huge letters, Doomsday revealed, 11/9/2005! Hey! That's today, isn't it? Then it goes on to say that this is all due to a new revelation from Jesus Christ himself. Once again, contradictory to the word of God.In that most holy and inspired compilation of the word of God, we received all the letters, testimonies, directives and prophesies that the Holy Spirit desired we should have.From Genesis to Revelation it is all there, and closed out with a warning not to take away from, nor add to the BOOK, under the promise...or threat,...of dire consequences. So, what is Sun magazine doing?
Now, don't get me wrong. I have liked Sun magazine for a long time. I like the fact that they don't go in for celebrity bashing, or sensational photos or expose high profile scandals. I like their games, like Secret word, because I have always enjoyed word searches, and on occasion I have won their contests, but only because I seem to have a knack for that sort of game. The words just sort of jump out at me, and it's nice to get a small windfall from time to time, for simply playing a game that is normally so effortless for me. I play those games anyway, even if there is no chance of winning anything, so why not enter? I risk nothing on it, so it's not like it is gambling. There are many reasons why I like this magazine...and yet now I am confronted with a very good reason not to be involved with it anymore. Okay,two. On the back of this same issue is a work of art, that I can only describe as someone's interpretation of the "catching away" or what we call in our church as the "Rapture " of the church, which is what is going to happen when Jesus returns to call God's children...taking them out of the world before the great tribulation period, and the Advent of the Anti-Christ, to the marriage supper of the Lamb.The picture is of several different persons, men, women and children, all in different poses and forms of dress, ascending into the clouds, seemingly drawn towards a bright light, just out of sight, from which you see bright rays emanating.Down the side of this full page scene, are big yellow letters, forming this message:
"Those who will ascend will be those who worked hardest to prepare for my return. Those are they who forgave their neighbors and made lasting peace with bitter enemies in my name." - Jesus of Nazareth, in a vision, may 5, 2005.
Well, that sounds good, doesn't it? It looks good too. It's a serious work of art, very beautifully and powerfully done.Were it just that picture, with no caption or supposed quote, I might be tempted to cut it out and keep it.Unfortunately, the words they attribute to Jesus, shoots down whatever tendency I might have had to believe that this was a true vision of the Christ, or message from Jesus.God will never contradict himself. He is holy, and cannot lie.In Scripture we are told that "Salvation is not of works, lest any man should boast." There is more that could be said about why this can't be from Christ, but why bother? Once we have established that the message cannot possibly be from our Lord and Savior, what else is there to say, except,
Sorry, Sun, The Son just shot you down!