As human beings, we never know from one minute to the next what is going to happen.Someone you know very well may come or call you out of the blue, and have some good news for you, or say something you really don't want to hear.The next thing you know, a total stranger could do you a good turn, or, with no provocation whatever, may attack you with pepper spray! A little over an hour ago, someone did just that to Yon son.Right in the face! He had the presence of mind to turn away, and the man went right on spraying him, on the back of his head, and then ran off with his clipboard.It's one of those closed kind, that looks like it might have money in it, and I suppose that's what he thought he got.All he really got was son's trip sheet, some contract papers, and some pens.He's smart enough to have a drop box,locked, and doesn't carry a lot of money on him.But it ruined the hour for the home trips from the bars, because all he could do was call the dispatcher, and dispatch sent the cops out...they were there within 5 minutes, and came running with water for him to wash his eyes out, and an ice pack for the back of his head.But during that time he waited for aid, he again had the presence of mind to lock the doors, and sit there with all his lights on and wait, because he couldn't go anywhere...he couldn't see.Once the cops and paramedics arrived and helped him wash the stuff out of his eyes,and give him the ice pack, he was able to drive here, rinse his face again and again, and take a bath, change clothes and go back to the office.His face was all red, and the back of his neck and scalp were bright red as a lobster...and burning. Apparently that stuff gets into your skin and even your eyeballs and stays there burning until you wash it out.I could taste it as soon as he came in...but I didn't know what it was until he told me. I can still taste it.Pepper spray is awful stuff! YUK!Shortly after he left, the police called, wanting to talk to him and when I told the officer he had gone back to work, he said, Really? That man's a trooper!
Yes, he is. The man that assaulted him doesn't know how much of a trooper he really is, or he wouldn't have picked him to try out his pepper spray with. Yon son has something the man couldn't possibly have known he has. He is very observant, with an excellent memory and attention to detail that is astounding. He was able to give the authorities a perfect description of his assailant, and he has already been called in for a line-up. Too bad for that guy, he had no idea whom he was dealing with.His dastardly action netted him nothing but a lot of trouble, and he has no one but himself to blame for it.
Yes, it was inconvenient,and it came at a bad time, but as Yon son said, Oh well! Praise God! It could have been worse! What can you do? You do what you have to do.How do you deal with it? You just do. Good,bad or indifferent, you do what must be done, and whatever impact it has on your life or livelihood, you fall back and regroup and go on. If you have God working in your life, you can see his hand in everything that happens, you praise him for his loving kindness and protection, and you go on with your life.What? You say...After a terrible experience like that your going to say praise the Lord? Yes. It's called the sacrifice of praise.
Posted by: RONW | November 19, 2005 at 09:47 PM