My dictionary defines Amusements as the condition of being amused, or pleasant diversion, or something that amuses or entertains.But it is more than my Websters says it is, because if you go back far enough into the core word, it means literally, that which we use to keep us from thought or thinking.That which the modern world is subjected to as a diversion from hearing that still small voice of wisdom which we all need to be able to hear. It hurts my heart to know that some people have never heard it, and never will, and for some reason, will go out of reasonable bounds, amusement wise, to avoid any possibility of a quiet time for their spirit to ponder either the existence of a higher power, or to court the muse.Even those who go to church on a regular basis are doing so much to keep from a time of repose, and all under the guise of church work, it's disgraceful.That place that is supposed to be a house of prayer, which we are cautioned not to go to, to eat, is now hosting dinners and fish fries and chili suppers to raise money for this fund and that cause.Some churches are so embroiled in activities that one wonders just whose side that church is on! It is clearly not on the side of sinners who need to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, because the sermons are canned, written by other than the preacher, which now have no reference to the cross of Christ, and have done away with any mention of the Holy Spirit, and although they end the service with a prayer, it too is carefully acceptable to any and all who may come through the door,and there is never an altar call.Why bother? It is passe to preach that you are a sinner, in need of a savior, and then to lay out the plan of salvation, which would so naturally be followed by an altar call. Now it is all about getting warm bodies in the seats that have deep pockets, and who can we get to be involved in this 12 step program, and to purchase this new age book whose reading of it will make you feel "Good about yourself." That's another phrase that is hopelessly overused, and gripes me to the nth degree. Man was not put on this earth to find ways to make them feel good about themselves.That is a lie from the pit of hell,and is born of selfishness, and a ruse to make Christians stumble.Man's problem is not that he does not feel good about point of fact, he feels a bit too good about himself already. He is so involved in self-righteousness he has fallen into this trap that he can do anything on his own, that through his will-power and a positive mental attitude, he can conquer any foe, overcome any hindrance,and work his way into heaven,because he is now such a good person he doesn't need a redeemer,and yes he may go to the bingo games and the casino, and may find off-color jokes funny, but that doesn't make him a bad person, and who are you to judge anyway? Those things he does for fun don't hurt anybody, so why should you care? Saddest of all, are the ones who have this attitude, because they refuse to listen to the truth. All of us needs a redeemer, because God said so.All those games and amusements hurts the person who plays them,watches them, or listens to them simply because they are diversions from that which that time was intended to be spent doing, seeking God and his truth. And, no, I am not his judge.But if he waits until he meets his judge, and thereby, to know the truth, it will be too late for him to act upon it.
Why should I care? Because I am concerned about souls.I know how my life has changed and improved since I got saved, and I want everyone else to have that! The happiness, the joy that fills my heart and soul and being that Christ died to give me is amazing! Beyond that, I also know what would have been my portion had I not gotten saved, and the more I learn about that, the more anxious I become that no one should have to go there! I am horrified over the sheer numbers of souls, living in a free society, who are able to search out the truth with no restrictions or restraints placed upon their study of God's word, and treat it as though it is nothing. I can't go to church, because I am in a wheelchair, but with the Internet, I never miss a service. Yet, everyday, I see perfectly able people missing going to church, because they had to play golf, or go to the gambling boat, or the service lets out too late, and they might miss some of the ball game, or there's a television program they just can't miss!
So. Simple amusements. Just how unGodly are they? Well, if you had to push God out of the way to get to them, VERY!