Once again, a major motion picture recently made, based on a book of science fiction, that I read when I was a teenager, and quite taken with the genre! It is astonishing to me how often this is happening.Now, it is no surprise to me that more and more frequently, the author of these books/movies have turned out to be Isaac Asimov.He was a brilliant scientist, as well as a prolific writer, so my only true surprise is that the movie industry hasn't come out with more films based upon his works.I, Robot, starring Will Smith is a wonderful movie, now out on DVD, and one of those that I salivated over for some time before we bought it. I say we, but what I mean is, I wanted it for some time, and Yon son bought it and brought it to me as a treat and, Oh! Is it ever! It was a real movie night, with the popcorn and pop, and our eyes glued to the t.v., and only paused for bathroom breaks.The movie begins with the three laws of Robotics, just as" Doctor A" laid them down, and right there, with no conscious decision of my own, I began to compare the book with the movie.It was only natural that one should, who has read the book.It is difficult to do an in depth comparison, however, for the simple reason that Asimov's original work was not a novel, but a compilation of short stories.So, it is not quite apt to say that this is the book brought to life, but rather inspired by the book, and then artfully sewn together by the screen writers.There is one main theme throughout, but the sub-stories are easily recognizable as being taken from this story and that story, with several of my favorite aspects included, and even one cute touch added that I had not anticipated. That of the scientist who is killed in the very beginning's looks and manner bearing a strong resemblance to Asimov himself.
If you now want to ask how can I tell, since he is killed in the beginning of the movie, all I can say to that is, that was the right question!