Thought control. Oooh! Sounds sinister, doesn't it? But actually, there's an awful lot of it going on now, under the guise of other names.The medical community has come up with a vegetable soup of sorts to label conditions, and then with this "comfortable" label, they apply chemical "solutions" to treat the symptoms. These conditions are called ADD and so on, to eliminate any anxiety they may cause you to deal with the actual names.Once it is firmly established that you, or a loved one, have this condition, all that is necessary for the medic to do, is write out a compound or prescription for some mind altering drug for the patient to take to counter-act whatever the type of condition is.What they very carefully step around is the fact that all one must do to fall back into the behavior that brought on this diagnosis, is to not take the pills. Having a direct pipeline into the community who most frequently falls heir to these situations, that of Yon son being a cab driver, and therefore dealing with a cross section of society on a daily, or shall I say, nightly basis,I can say with a great deal of confidence that this sort of backsliding occurs regularly. Beyond this connection, I have several close ties whom are yo-yoing their way through life, being fine for a time, holding down jobs, keeping the household going, paying their bills and socializing just fine, and then suddenly they drop out of sight, stop going to work, and no one sees them for a while, until the next time they are so far down they go back to the doctor, and go back on the pills again. This is no way to live. In addition, it is not necessary. Some might say these pills are both a blessing, and a curse. For as long as the pills are there to treat the condition, they are also there to be blamed when things go wrong. Well, after all. It's not my fault.His fault. Her fault. They stopped taking the pills! This removes all blame from the individual. I can't help it, I have this condition...I cannot control my mind, my thoughts, I have to have these pills, or that chemical to keep things going right, without this medication, a person can't control their thoughts. Oh Really? In one minute, I can show you how easy it is for anyone to control their thoughts. Ready? Okay.
Do not think of a white pony. What have I just done to you? I have used a simple method to make you focus on a white pony. You may try to think of something else, but your own mind will make you keep coming back to that white pony.I didn't use chemicals, or medical jargon to influence you. It was not possible, nor was it necessary or desirable to do so.Now, I will explain what I did.The human mind is a most interesting thing.The more you tell yourself what Not to do, the more the mind will focus on it, and thereby, cause you to want to do it. In much the way a habitual liar will tell the same lie over and over again, so much that after a while, they begin to believe it themselves, once a plausible excuse is supplied for a person's lax, irrational, or irresponsible behavior, that persons mind will absolve them of all responsibility for it, leaving them free to allow that mind-set to reign, rather than be overcome by altering their thoughts themselves.The whole focus of the person with such conditions is to resist certain thoughts, by taking pills.Rather than changing their minds, when the thoughts reach a point where the person begins to believe that they are fine now, and don't need the pills anymore, they stop taking them, and having relied upon the pills, they do nothing to direct their thoughts to a higher level, and the previous, usually, destructive behavior, begins all over again. Let's face it people. Band-aid medicine hasn't worked, and won't work. The mind of man is too intricate for man to treat outside of God's word. After all, we are his creation. When we have trouble, it's time to go back to the handbook.The word of God. And, as he said,
Be ye transformed, by the renewing of your mind.Romans 12:2