Strictly speaking, this isn't about dreams, but yet, it is.It is not about the dreams you have while is about those dreams of what life held for you when you were young, lazing around with your brother and sister, or your best friends. Looking forward into the future then was so easy...and looking back on it now, the things you said, and the things you thought seem so childish and silly,but some, now, were so prophetic and profound.I came up with all sorts of things that were flights of fancy...inventive, but hardly feasible.It didn't matter. My brothers idea's were even more so, and we laughed over how far out our imaginations would take us. But my sister brought us back down to earth with a dream for her future that left us with wide eyed, flat footed wild surmise,and dropping jaws.Jimmy and I were speechless.Here she was, a beautiful talented young woman, with a brilliant career before her as a dancing instructor, full of energy, sparkling personality, with boyfriends surrounding her on every hand, and what does she say? " I can't wait until I am old, with lots of beautiful memories to look back on."
Our reaction. HUH? Jimmy didn't even want to think about being OLD. I myself wanted to enjoy life while I was living it, not wait to enjoy memories when I was old.But, when you are young, the notion of being old just does not compute.
But, as it turned out, My sister was the one who has all the adventures and is still going strong, running hither and yon today.
Jimmy didn't even get a chance to get old. He was shot down in Vietnam at 25. I am the one who has a lot of wonderful memories to look back on, all unbidden, they come to me,and comfort me, more and more all the time. Isn't it funny, how these things work out?