I've just been going through the offerings on the launchcast, weeding out the music I don't like,and putting a rating on everything I like, and it got me to thinking. The preponderance of love songs is indicative of the American mind set. Every woman I know, with the exception of myself, is either in love, in a relationship, or just coming out of a relationship. Okay, that's not so bad, but even those that claim to be madly in love will still talk about other men, and look at them, and talk TO them, and if the truth be known, think about them. I get embarrassed to be a woman sometimes, hearing the way these females talk! The kicker is, one minute they go on about this man that means so much to them, and the next they're staring at some strange guys butt. Yet to hear them tell it, Love is the be all and end all of everything! If they don't have a man, they have got to pull out all the stops and dress up, change their hair, go out and look for one! So, then, when they finally meet a guy, they are instantly in love again! What is that? I have an idea that these women haven't the slightest conception of what real love is, and wouldn't recognize the real thing if it came along! To them, Love is a warm body that is pleased, at the moment to be next to hers. Soon this new man will be led off in another direction, and will leave her at a moments notice, heartbroken once again. What is sad about this whole scenario, is this woman feels rejected, and it's not necessary for her to, but she set herself up for this herself. The man in question is only to blame for letting her blow the whole relationship out of proportion. I mean, let's face it ladies, or rather, girls, since so few of us even pretend to be ladies anymore, if he did not do the pursuing, but had it thrown at him, most men will take advantage of an offer of affection, companionship and even sex, without thinking twice about it, when there is no declaration of love on their part, and therefore, no strings.That is what I would call a fair assessment of what we see going on now.This always leads to destruction on the part of the woman who has become easy, and believes she is just as free to live any way she wants, thinking she is involved in a love relationship, when In actuality, what she is doing is sleeping around, but has convinced herself that each new man is her new love. Worse yet, These girls don't realize that behind their backs, the men in their social circle are paying attention, and keeping track. They see who she goes with, what they do, and how long the couple stays together, and how many men she has after she leaves, or is dumped by this one. It gets to be a joke. She gets names like mattress-back, or princess round-heels, and the worse her reputation is, the less likely any decent man will have anything to do with her, beyond a one night stand, or as they call it, a roll in the hay. So, the very thing she is pursuing, she has less chance to find, that being real love, with a home and family and someone to depend on when things go wrong.
If you recognize yourself in any of this, I am sorry for you, but there is hope.You must realize that you are in love with love, and that isn't good.Try to pull yourself together enough to see that no man wants to just be with another girl, she must be a special girl, who has more going for her than just what she can do in the bedroom.Educate yourself. Focus on your career,your family, your health, and being a woman of substance.If you refuse to be a slave of your passions, and work on your character, personality, knowledge, and intellect, then a man worthy of you will come and find you,and be willing to work to get you.