It is all over the news.From all sides we are being told, that if winter where you live means ice and snow and cold temps, the utility company is going to sock it to you this year. Does that worry you? I think about it, when they bring it up, and wonder if there is any alternate heating sources.My furnace runs on natural gas, and I pay the heat for a two story building. So far, I've checked out electric space heaters, oil lamps, oil space heaters, and some pretty off the wall sources of heating like kerosene heaters, plus ones that run on alcohol,and corn! I have sat around wondering why house builders abandoned fireplaces, and wished we could just go back to wood burning stoves and such.
But, in the final analysis, I guess I just have to trust in God, that he will take care of us, since he is the only one who knows what this winter's weather will really be like.
Posted by: James | October 21, 2005 at 02:57 AM