Is it a blessing, or a curse? To me, it is all in the way you look at it. I have been wanting to have ham and bean soup and cornbread for days and days,but the timing just didn't seem to be right.I had the stuff on hand, but it was always, I didn't feel well enough to fool with the crock pot, or I got up and thought of it too late for it to be ready for was always just, something. But today was right! I got up singing and feeling good and energetic, in plenty of time, and I just got it all going on time, so that Yon son could partake of it with me, and by the time I pronounced it ready, I had the cornbread in the oven, almost done, I was chopping the salad, and slicing the onion, and I had the tape all set up to tape the Gaithers, so we could enjoy all that glorious music with dinner, and it was just perfect. Until I glanced out the back door, and saw that Yon son's car had just pulled up.I glanced at the clock.He wasn't due for almost half an hour.I felt a wave of disappointment. As usual, son wouldn't be able to sit down and eat after all. What was most distressing to me was that Yon son had supplied the ham, and this meal was his favorite! He knew exactly how I felt, without a lot of explanation, and as our eyes met, he said," What if I offered Bill a plate?" (not his name). He wasn't thinking of himself. Yon son is just impossibly generous. I was equally inspired, suddenly." Why not?" said I, and got out another bowl.Son went out, calling from the porch, " Hey Bill! Would you like..." When he came back in, Yon son was smiling from ear to ear," He said, not only yeah, but hell yeah!" I was told.I looked up to ask if Bill was coming in, but Bill was already on the porch! We did nothing different than we would have, had we not had a guest, but to see to what Bill wanted with the soup, and then we sat down, said the blessing,and went on listening to the Gaithers as planned. Well! Bill enjoyed the food, the music and the whole experience apparently, for over dinner he revealed to us that he hadn't had bean soup for a long time.Just in passing, as one will do, I asked how long. He thought for a long time." About 43 years" He said at last.My, that is a long time! It turns out, his wife of so many years, quit cooking many years back, and bean soup was never one of her favorites.I think I even heard him remark that it had been a long time between home-cooked meals.As they finished their food, Yon son took the bowls, washed them,and put them away, kissed me and said good-by, but then he had to wait for Bill, who was standing next to the table, eyes fixed on the television, as the very last number being performed as they stood up to go, was the "Alleluia Chorus of Handel's Messiah!"Once that was over, Bill very politely and graciously left,and as I sat there still fiddling with my salad and soup and cornbread, and watched Bill and Yon son go, It came to me that perhaps The Lord had not brought the much anticipated meal together just for me and Yon son, but to be a blessing to Bill.It thrilled me to think that God would bring such an opportunity my way. Sometimes, being in wheelchair, one begins to believe that they have outlived their usefulness, so it is with great thanksgiving that I receive the correction of my Lord and I am reminded that God chastises those he Loves. I could have harbored resentment towards the fact that he showed up early, but praise the Lord, we followed the leading of the spirit, and instead of the dismal picture I had conjured up, of having yet another dinner alone, Saturday night's suppertime was an event that I shall treasure as a fond memory, when next I find myself eating alone. Such is the Grace and Love of God.