To say that I was disappointed in this movie would be an understatement. Originally, I had high hopes for this film, because I liked Cybil Shepard when she did her own sit-com, but since then, something has happened. Maybe that is unfair.After all, she is good in comedy, but now she was called upon to play a serious drama, and I think she took it a little too seriously.First off, they did her hair and make-up just a little ,off.The hair color was not quite right, the length was not quite right, and where I agree that Martha isn't exactly a raving beauty, still the understated make-up was just a bit TOO understated. There was a sparkle missing in Cybil's performance that didn't do justice to Martha.In all of her appearances, Martha Stewart has a natural sweetness about her look that makes her pretty...and that is what was missing in Cybil's performance.From beginning to end, she played Martha as a grim-faced,manipulative, conniving,haughty, aloof,mistress-of-all-I-survey type, strongly reminiscent of Leona Helmsley. I for one totally reject that conception of her.In addition, I thought that the way they presented Martha as being sort of dowdy and thick in the middle was completely wrong. It is a shame they didn't look further for an actress who could more closely resemble Martha, who wouldn't go about with her lips compressed into a thin line, without a hint of a smile at any time,or that twinkle she has in her eyes almost constantly. On the upside, I liked the fact that they did give us a thumbnail sketch of what went on with her in prision, but they could have cut out the preamble, and gone right to the incarceration, and I would have been more interested in knowing more about what went on, personality wise. I know she must have gone through some tough times, but I am also sure she had many in her cottage that she connected with on a more personal basis, that she helped, and that helped her, and that she had fun with.That much was obvious during the goodbye scene, when everyone hugged her and the one girl gave her the poncho.Oh well.Perhaps, there will be another movie, more true to life, which fills in the gaps,and presents Martha Stewart as the lovely lady she really is, not just as the director, and Cybil Shepard sees her.