First! I apologize in advance for what I am about to say.But I am going to state my case, clearly,because if I don't, I may burst a blood vessel! I am for forgiveness, and love, and God knows my heart. I have forgiven the "unforgivable" multiple times, but this is such a rage in my heart and mind, I've got to get it out! While watching the stories of devastation and rescue in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it came to my attention that THOUSANDS of dogs and cats were left in houses, and CHAINED TO PORCHES, while the owners left them that way, and ran for shelter! Unless I miss my guess, a great many of those were the same people outside the shelter, days later, yelling HELP! HELP!HELP! into the cameras of news services as they drove by.It is to those individuals that I now address my remarks. You, sir or madam, are the lowest of the low! How could you? What kind of ox-headed baboon chains a dog to a porch and then leaves it to starve, or drown protecting your home, while you run for cover? Have you any idea what you have done? What kind of rot is stored up in your soul, that you would do such a thing to a poor defenseless animal? Leaving it there, tied up, or locked behind doors, with no way to find food, or keep from drowning! I saw the footage of dog after dog after dog, chained up on porches, left with no food, no water, with flood waters rising up around them, or loose dogs and cats swimming through that filthy water, searching for their master or mistress. Lost, starving, bewildered,scrawny terrified little creatures, who should have been thought of and protected by the ones who left them to their own devices. It is to your shame you must carry that thought around with you the rest of your miserable life. You don't deserve to ever have a dog or cat again! Never! Ever! It is possible that in your panic, you forgot about Fluffy or Rover, Misty, Fifi, or Bear...but I am here to remind you! You let them down! You abandoned them in their time of need,and that makes you a basically rotten human being worthy of scorn and derision. I don't know who you are, and the people helping you now don't know who you are, or what you have done, but you know, and I hope you feel like the cruel, heartless cad you really are. I hope that you think twice before you bring even one goldfish into your home again, knowing what you have done! You don't deserve the love, companionship and beauty of owning a pet, if you can't take any better care of it than that! Can you imagine the loneliness, the gnawing hunger that must have consumed that poor cat you left locked up in your house,or how terrified it must have been as the flood waters rose inside the house,and they couldn't find a way to get away from it? As I write this, I have to keep stopping to calm down, because I am just shaking with anger, and righteous indignation. To be fair, I also saw some few individuals wading through the water with their puppies in their arms, or swimming through with their dogs, and my hat is off to them. They know how to be responsible and keep their dogs or cats with them. But the vast majority did not. Now, the humane society has to go house to house, and collect all these abandoned dogs and cats, and try to collect and corral the ones roaming loose,and chances are, since there are so many, a great number of those dogs and cats will not survive to be rescued. But you don't care about that, do you, you jerk? You've been rescued now, and have got food and water, and a warm dry place to sleep, and that's all that is important to you,isn't it? Well, I hope you read this, and can't sleep a wink for a long, long time!
Posted by: RONW | September 06, 2005 at 07:35 PM
Posted by: Steel Turman | September 07, 2005 at 03:16 AM
Posted by: Phoenix | September 07, 2005 at 07:48 AM
Posted by: Phoenix | September 07, 2005 at 07:50 AM