It has been a week, perhaps two, now since I ran across this search when following one of my referrers back to find out what the request was.I often do that, so that I can be aware of what people are looking for, and I try to accommodate them. But this one was awful. It asked, " IS Mark Lowrey Gay?" I cannot tell you how upset I became. Here is a good and decent man, whose whole life has been to sing the praises of the Lord God Almighty, and to be a comedy relief for the Gaither's Homecoming appearances, all over this nation, and all around the world, and has been a long time part of the Gaither Vocal Band. Obviously a born-again Christian, and as far as I know, he is not married. So What? Just because he doesn't have a wife and 9 kids like Guy Penrod, does not mean anything. This dear man is NOT Homosexual! Just because he doesn't have women falling all over him, or he's not out chasing skirts when he's not on stage, does not give anyone the right to slander his name! There is a special anointing on Mark Lowrey, he has a purpose to fulfill for the Lord , and you'd better watch what you say about such a godly person. God does not hold guiltless those who spread rumors about his anointed! He wrote the Lyrics to " MARY DID YOU KNOW?" Were you aware of that? Watch yourself, because GOD is watching YOU!
Since I posted this, it has come to my attention that there is another Mark Lowrey,who may, or may not be gay. If that is the person for whom you seek answers,all I can say is, Nevermind!