My best friend finally called me. She is home from the University Hospital in Iowa City.Gosh, but it was good to hear her voice again! She is a wonderful person, with a great sense of humor, but I guess things are just terrible with the nursing profession right now. You know, just not being cared for properly can put anyone in poor humor, but it's going some to make Sherry that way! Everybody usually just loves her.Apparently, they neglected her needs, did not write things down, or respond to her calls when she needed them. I know there is some sort of labor relations thing going on with nurses right now, but if they are so unhappy with whatever it is, why don't they just go on and do something else, instead of making the patients suffer? The food was insufficient, and terrible, and Sherry LIKES hospital food! For lunch, on the day they sent her home, they gave her jello with no fruit in it, low-fat vegetable soup, coffee, skim milk,and that's it! No crackers, no toast, no sandwich, nothing of any substance! Now, she is a heart patient, who was there being treated for an infection.There is no stomach problem, she's not diabetic, or on a diet.There was no MEDICAL REASON for such a menu. Irregardless of what she asked for, this is what she got! Now, how lame is that? They sent her home, absolutely Starving...and having been gone for several days, there was nothing to eat in the house. Now, how did they expect her to recover from being so ill, with no better nutrition than that? Answer: they don't care! Okay, the nurses aren't responsible for what the kitchen sends up to the patient, but they heard her comments when she said she was still hungry, and knew she had quite a trip ahead of her before she got home...and they did nothing! But besides that, the whole stay was bad.She would call for the nurse,and they did not come to find out what she wanted for hours and hours...and as I said, she's a heart patient! When the doctors were around, they would respond,otherwise...No! You might say, well, that's just one person, at one hospital, but wait.Before she went to that University hospital, she was in a local hospital. The nursing staff had the same lackadaisical attitude, and the food was no better! If anything, it was worse! She was in the room with another lady, also a heart patient. For lunch one day, they received the following: Sherry got A PIECE OF TOAST WITH PROMISE on it, and the other lady got AN EGG! She said, even if you put them both together, you still wouldn't have the beginnings of a good breakfast! No juice, no coffee, no milk,no fruit, no cereal...not even a lousy cup of tea, for goodness sakes! Now, I already knew that nursing care in the local hospitals had fallen off pretty badly. The last time I was in the hospital, it took me hours and hours just to get a heating pad for my sore back, and at bedtime, there was no nurses coming in offering us backrubs to keep from getting bedsores, or a decent snack with which to take my nighttime meds.If I was lucky, I got a very small cup of juice and some stale saltines! (YUK!) And, at the same time, we had nurses sailing down the hallways with cans of pop, and talking about the wonderful dinner they had! How insensitive can you get? Likewise, in the morning, there were no nurses coming in to check and see if you wanted to have help taking a sponge bath, because I had had back surgery, and could not shower! No! I was left to my own devices, until I got to feeling so ichy sticky and sweaty that I DEMANDED a bath.. and that was sketchy at best. And then, I also had to DEMAND that the nurses change my bedding! They weren't going to do it, because I couldn't get out of bed. What are they now? Some kind of prima Donna's that don't know how to make a bed with a patient in it anymore?What have we done now, reverted back to the dark ages, where nurses were no better than pick-pockets and were only there to get their wages while they watched you die? And the hospitals themselves are no better. Our area hospitals used to be just what the name implies. A place where sick people go to get better. Not anymore. We now have a multi-million dollar hospital, that got an award for being so BEAUTIFUL. However.There's something wrong with it. I only boasts 20 beds.The rest of this huge hospital, is housing doctor's offices,the entrance is a huge lobby, with a living room setting, with couches and chairs, and fireplace to stare into, and a grand piano, and then upstairs, labs, and x-ray suites,operating rooms, and the only nurses you see are glorified office girls.Perhaps, that is what they want to be, but If I had taken nurses training, I would be insulted by such a thing! This is the hospital that is so hard up that they can't send a full meal to one patient, but sends one an egg,and one a piece of toast! I now have to rethink my plan, should I have any kind of medical emergency. Going to the Hospital would be BAD! I WOULD HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF RECOVERY IF I STAY HOME AND DO IT ALL MYSELF! My son, at least would see to it that I have decent food, and would help me take a sponge bath. and change my bedding! Why rack up huge hospital bills, for no care?
SO, NOW LET'S REVIEW.Nurses no longer nurse.They only take vitals, push pills,and give shots.There is no patient CARING INVOLVED. Hospitals no longer care for patients, they house doctors offices,labs,operating rooms,and vie for awards for aesthetic beauty...they have kitchens, but only offer the good food to the doctors and nurses, and if you are LUCKY? enough to be a patient in an actual bed, you will be left pretty much on your own, laying there croaking for help, and waiting a long time for it to come. You will get no bath, no backrub, and no sympathy for any difficulty you encounter, UNLESS you have tons of money, and can send out for your own food,and have your own servants go home and bring you your own heating pad.On the upside, there are televisions and phones in every room.
Okay? It's official. Going to the Hospital is not a good thing!
Posted by: Steel Turman | August 24, 2005 at 11:35 PM