I am the one everybody runs to when they have a problem, or need some cheering up! No brag, just fact! I am the first one they call when the bottom drops out of their life,and they want to dump on somebody.And I have yet to say to them, look, I have problems of my own! Go solve your own difficulties. No. I never could, never would, turn anyone who needed me away. Now, I am down. I need someone to talk to, to listen to me. But, My best friends aren't available. Sherry is in the Hospital, Out of State, out of town, and I can't call her, and she can't call me.I won't know what is going on with her until she gets home,and decides to call.Not her fault, can't blame her. That's just the way it is.Mogwi is out of State too. I talked to her yesterday, and her problems (naturally) took presedence over mine, because she has gotten herself into a terrible pickle.So, when she ran down, I mentioned that I was grieving over my two uncles who just passed away, but then, I dropped it.Her problems are here and now, and mine are JUST emotional.Oh, I'll pull out of it, but it sure would be nice, if I had a friend to talk to.So, it's hard to be all up and fun and talkative.Right now, I'm lower than a snakes shoelaces.Now, that's low, friend.My two Favorite Uncles. Gone. Within 5 days of each other.Buried within 5 days of each other.No way to get there, but I was able to screw up my courage and call Auntie Jean, Bud's widow.She sounded fine.She was so sweet, you'd a thought I was the one who'd lost a husband, instead of her. No, that occured last year, in April.I got through our anniversary, and the 1 year anniversary of his passing, and the second year anniversary of my first daughter-in-laws passing.And then yesterday, was My Mother and Father's wedding anniversary...and they are both gone...and it's all just coming so fast, that things are just kind of piling up on me.Now the dear little old neighbor lady came to our door today while I was napping, and told Yon son that her baby brother is dying.It's getting to the point that I am almost afraid to asnwer the phone, or the door. Any more, it's bad news.
And yet, The joy of the Lord is my strength.I can endure all of this, because the holy spirit keeps bearing witness to my heart that God is with me, and he gives me the peace that passes all understanding...so I'm going to stop dwelling on myself, and I'm going to pray for my family who was able to make it to the funeral, I'm going to pray for Sherry and Mogwi, and for Marge's baby brother, and for Marge.And, maybe somewhere, out there, there is someone who will pray for me.