This is not a bad's a good thing! After all the fireworks I have listened to in the last week, it is a delight that the day is starting out overcast and quiet! What a blessing, what a joy! Of course, I myself am starting out the day in a good mood, because I have been in camp meeting for the past 5 days,and I've got the joy down in my heart...the world didn't give it, and the world can't take it away!
How wonderful to live in a free country! To be able to express my opinion without fear that someone is going to come and arrest me, or confiscate my computer.To be able to WORSHIP GOD FREELY AND OPENLY! Wasn't the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE a wonderful document?
WE Hold these truths to be self- evident. That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
YEH! So, happy Birthday America! Go have some Birthday cake,and ice cream, some hot dogs or hamburgers, or barbequed ribs and pototo salad, and don't forget the pie and watermelon, and party hearty! But, in all of that, don't forget to stop for just one moment, and thank ALMIGHTY GOD, YOU WERE BORN IN THE RIGHT TIME, AND THE RIGHT PLACE TO BE ABLE TO ENJOY ALL OUR FREEDOMS! And, don't forget to pray for others around the world who are less fortunate, and would love to have all the blessings we take for granted each and every day.I mean, isn't it grand to go the store and see row after row of foods from all around the country, all around the world, in a dizzying array of choices of brands and sizes, and none of it rationed or so highly priced that you can't have it if you want it? And all of it, ALL OF IT fresh and delicious, in sanitary packages, labeled with nutritional information, and the ingredients listed. What a country!