Raising your children to be what they were meant to be, means you being the Mother you meant to be.Not to discount Fathers, for they are certainly important too, but so often any more, it is all about the Mother and her kids. She is left with the care-giving, and the nurturing, and the correction, even if Dad is in the home. Not surprising considering the amount of effort, time and dedication it takes to bring home a paycheck. But even if Daddy's there, and willing, his time, and therefore his impact is limited.He works hard.He gets tired sometimes, long before the children do, and so, the bulk of the parenting falls on Mother's shoulders.Even if she works at other things, and whose to say she can't or mustn't, yet still she is the mainstay of the family. The one who props up the main "breadwinner" when he falters, or is weary or discouraged, the one who steps up and sees to it that the home is being run quietly and efficiently, who knows what needs to be done, when it needs to be done,and doesn't shirk certain duties when she is called upon to do them.Part of all that is keeping herself strong enough to endure the task. Not just physically, although that is a part of it.But mentally and spiritually, and emotionally strong.Much of this is self-explanatory,so it is not necessary to bore you with details, however, I will just touch on one or two points. Mothers get tired. In fact, I believe it is in the job description, "Mother must be tired." If you are well rested, and refreshed when you wake up in the morning, then you must have forgotten to do something... However campy that may sound, it is not altogether wrong. BUT! If Mother uses that excuse to ignore or avoid fulfilling her role as a mother, she is leaning a little too heavily on this excuse,and needs an attitude adjustment. As Wendi Speciale pointed out in her blog yesterday, If your response to inappropriate behavior on the part of your off-spring is to laugh it off, you are shirking your duty to your child, to raise them up to be sensitive people. If it is too much trouble to explain things to your children, perhaps you need to cut down your schedule a bit to fit in the raising of the kids! If this is your response to off-color remarks made by anyone, adult or child, but you find it especially amusing coming out of a small person's mouth, then you'd better check to make sure you are all there mentally, because allowed to go unchecked, that "funny" language will continue and grow in size and soon you will have a surly,foul mouthed, disrespectful pre-teen, whom no one, not even you, shall be able to control. Emotionally, you must be in control of yourself, if you ever hope to control your child. It's just that simple. If you break down over the slightest little thing, then what will the future hold for you and your family when the serious problems arise? How can you hope to handle it, and stay in control of all your faculties, when your world is turned upside down, and you realize you don't have all the answers? Notice, I did not say "IF". I said "WHEN". When the serious problems arise.When the world turns upside down. Because, unless you live in some paradise of undisclosed location, somewhere down the road, it's going to happen. Plan for it. The only way to plan for it, is to make that spiritual connection, now, before those kinds of conditions arise, and you find yourself desperate to find someone to turn to. In that state, you will be vulnerable for all sorts of disastrous consequences, should you make the wrong decision. A strong spiritual base may or may not make the problems go away, but it will keep you centered, and strong enough to endure the storms of life to get through it.And, NO, I am not talking SPIRITUALISM, as in tarot cards, Ouija boards, or astrology, chanting, having seances, or meditation.Those things run a poor second to real spiritual connection with our Creator.Only GOD can give you the peace that passes all understanding, no matter what you are going through! Only He will be there for you when no one else is. All those other things MAY put you in touch with the spirit world, but remember, not ALL spirits love you and want to help you.Even Angels, are not necessarily heavenly beings...if you recall, the evil spirits are FALLEN ANGELS. They have the ability to transform themselves into angels of light, but they are deceivers,and their purpose is to lead you away from the cross of Christ, and ultimately to destroy you and your family. Should you even DABBLE in that nonsense, you will suddenly find yourself beset on all sides with evil influences.Before you know it, you'll find yourself more mixed up than before, popping pills, and running off to a therapist three times a week, and talking the problem to death,while your kids do what they please, because Mom is never home, even when she's home, and your house and marriage go down the tubes! Sounds grim, I know, but that is what happens when you don't have control mentally, and you look for answers outside of the word of GOD. Your brains get scrambled.
If you love your kids, and I know you do, make that connection with the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT. Let the Lord lead you, in all things, and particularly in raising your child. Then, when those problems occur in your life, you don't have to worry, and you don't have to fret, you just give them to the Lord! He will keep you in perfect peace. Hey! That's the kind of God I serve!
Oh, by the way. Mustn't forget the physical side. After all,with that connection, you will find yourself on your feet more, running up and down the stairs twenty times a day, getting up and correcting your child NOW! AT THE MOMENT IT NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED! And responding to quarrels and other distressful sounds, and of course, keeping your house clean and neat. That takes care of the exercise you require to stay fit.As for your diet, DON'T! Just make sure you have your 5 to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, more protein than carbs,and drink lots of water,plus a glass of skim milk at each meal.After all that, I doubt very much if you will have room for high calorie sweets, sugary carbonated beverages, desserts, or junk food. Follow that, and you will have the energy necessary to run after your kids! Be a good Mom. Your the only one they've got! God Bless!
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