It is so important to keep a close eye on what is being allowed as normal behavior when it comes to T.V. families. Just because, frankly, kids don't know, altogether what is right and wrong yet.They learn a lot from you, hopefully, and from their friends, but also, sadly, from what they see on television. And of that, mostly from sitcoms.Does that scare you? It should.If you have been paying attention, then you already know the talk is free and easy about drinking, sex, drugs, alcohol, abortion...OH! But, God forbid they should smoke cigarettes! It's as though the five before are perfectly normal topics of conversation, but tobacco? Horrors! As though Tobacco was more deadly than unprotected sex, or any of the others. Well, just to set the record straight, it is not! Are you with me here? No one ever got drunk and had a car wreck due to smoking a cigarette. No one ever got so stoned they didn't know what they were doing and allowed themselves to be molested sexually from tobacco. Smoking will not cause AIDS, or PREGNANCY or drunkeness, or hallucinations, thoughts of suicide or murder.Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating smoking, but if you look at it objectively, smoking is the least of our worries as parents. I mean, if you are looking for what might influence your children, how about" Two and a half men?" Now, there's a nice role model for your kids.An indolent fat rude child who lives with his father, and his uncle whose a skirt-chasing man about town, who boozes it up, and hates his mother. LOVELY.I won't even discuss WILL AND GRACE. Suffice it to say, this program shouldn't even be on in prime time."Everybody Loves Raymond" isn't bad, In fact, it just might give your children some insight into what it's really like to be a married couple with children, a far better representation than " Married with children" ever thought about being, if you get my drift. In summation, this has just been a thumbnail sketch, to encourage you to watch television with your children, and to turn it off, if you think what is being portrayed is inappropriate.
Most of it is not fit for human comsumption, and Adults must decide for themselves if they want to watch that garbage...But the lions-share of what is being offered is not worthy to be shown to your children. Pick your family viewing time carefully, or you may have to live with the devistating consequences for the rest of your natural life.
And, one more word of caution. Any program rated PG- 13 and up is suspect. Remember, PG used to be a "nice" way of saying pregnant!