It doesn't matter if your a man or a woman, honey, your trembling on the brink! No one starts out just doing it, they think about it for a while. Allowing those thoughts to continue, will bring you to an "occasion of sin". As your thoughts continue,without your taking control, will lead down that terrible path. There is no reason to feel guilty, unless you have already cheated. If you have, then you have more to deal with than just thoughts, haven't you? So, what we have to deal with is not only thoughts, but derailing actions.
First, when you catch yourself thinking of cheating,get control of your thoughts. Think of something else.Your favorite movie or song, just as far away from any hint of cheating you can get.As long as it is clean, and lovely, use those nice things you like to shove yourself up to a better level of thought. If you believe in God, now's the time to pray. Dwelling on the word of God , rather than that temptation is the best way to rid yourself of those nasty ideas. This is a technique that has benefited me greatly for over ten years.Look up this reference in the bible, New Testament, Philippians chapter 4:vs.8 and 9..."finally brethren,whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things"..etc.If you finish reading the 9 th verse. you will see there is a special blessing on those who follow this advice. Now, we have all heard people say, I can't stop thinking about this. Yes, you can. You just have to be persistent, and on guard, not allowing your imagination to entertain those thoughts for even a moment. And, if cheating is your problem, or thoughts of cheating, then you must have a spouse, or significant other to cheat upon. It is up to you,naturally, whether or not to communicate to that other one what is going on in your mind, but the sooner you tell him or her about it,the sooner the two of you can come up with a workable solution. Don't be afraid to tell. Such temptation grows in secrecy.If you are in Love with each other,rather than ruining your relationship, this problem being brought out in the open should cement your connection, IF you have a love interest who is a rational logical individual. That decision is your call, you know this person, you choose. Next, when working through this problem, try to identify the trigger, the instance that brings on these thoughts.Is it loneliness, boredom, or curiosity? Perhaps your spouse could arrange their schedule so that you spend less time alone, or expand a hobby to fill the extra time. If the trigger is none of the above, then perhaps it is seeing an attractive person. Carry your loved ones picture around with you, and whip it out on those occasions. Remind yourself what you have to loose should you fall to temptation, and then, resist the thoughts! Re-arrange YOUR schedule so that you spend less, or even, No time with the type of person who tempts you. Is it porn that causes these thoughts? Shut it down, turn it off, throw it away! That stuff is like a virus, that will stay in your mind for years, if you let it come in.
Last of all, it is your mind. If you are feeling guilty, this is a good thing, because you at least HAVE A CONSCIENCE. Fortify your mind against it, and as Jesus said, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Fight the good fight, and don't give in, or give up. This is a worthy battle.
I hope this helps you, and I will pray for everyone who reads this blog, that God blesses you with peace of mind, and strength of character.