I just found something I perceive to be new in my task bar. When I dragged the pointer to it, it said, speed up your Internet connection. All I could say was, Why? It's so fast now, the only way I can think of to speed it up, would be for it to find what I was looking for, before I typed it in...or out. I really don't think that is possible, or even desirable. What if I got half-way through, and changed my mind? So, what could this new innovation be..mind reading capabilities? That's a scary thought...next thing you know my computer will be calling me by name. I had a heart tripping moment the other day. I happened to hit a couple of keys by accident, I don't even know which two they were, but, the next thing I knew, my computer was talking to me, in a very digital monotone, telling me it could narrate whatever it was...and all I could think of was how to shut this off, because I was right in the middle of something important. Finally, I found the right key to shut it down, but I have to admit that since then, I have kicked myself repeatedly. There are times a program like that might come in very handy...but the moment is gone,and I have no idea how to retrieve it. Oh, well, I'll mess with it, and perhaps I will run across it once again. That's pretty much the way I learn things on my computer, so it's possible. I know, I know, I could research it, and find out, but sometimes it's just more fun to find these things out on your own.