I saw a story recently about a young couple, so much in love,and they had both decided it was a good idea to have plastic surgery, or go under the knife. As I recall, she had quite a nose, and had always wanted to have it cut down to size, shall we say, and he had an under-slung jaw, and some other imperfections he wanted eradicated. So, they agreed to have these things done at the same time, in order to look fabulous for their wedding. How sweet! There were pictures of them kissing goodbye at the operating room doors,and then clips of their progress as they healed after-wards,and then finally, the big day came,and Oh, didn't they look wonderful. Both so perfectly beautiful and handsome, as they walked down the aisle, AS Mr.and Mrs. Whatchamacallit,they kissed and drank their champagne, and that was the end of the story! Everybody was happy! No, it's not the end of the story. Don't you think they left something out? I do. LOL. I think Mr.and Mrs. Perfect forgot that under all that new stuff, they still had DNA. Some day, Mrs. Perfect is going to give birth to a baby with daddy's under-slung jaw, or Mommy's honker of a nose. OR, worse case scenario, how about Mommy's nose, AND daddy's Jaw,huh? How are they going to explain that ugly baby to their beautiful friends? They were so anxious to pretty themselves up,and leave their true selves behind, will they be able to look at the product of their union,and think, Oh, what a beautiful baby? Well, maybe. Probably. But, how soon after that will they bundle little baby dumpling off to the plastic surgeon, and say, DO SOMETHING!? All I can say is, it's a good thing that they fell in love with each other, before they had the work done. How many couples are going to get the shock of their lives when they see their first child? And then, have to confess very quickly, perhaps even drag in witnesses to verify that, yes, I had this or that, just like junior does, but I had some work done, and oh, you have to believe me, I haven't been with anyone else, and certainly that is my real nose you see on our baby!
So, before you go under the knife, think things through to their logical conclusion, or you could have a lot of fast explaining to do,to prevent being accused of misbehaving! Make sure you have some," before pictures",and show them to your love, before you take the plunge, or you could find yourself unplunged real quick. Then, if they really love you, it won't matter. It's like the acid test for love. Like,in our family, we women have a tradition, of taking off our make- up before we accept the proposal. Our men look at us differently, for a while, after they see we have virtually no expression without the eyebrows and lashes enhanced, because we are Irish and Swedish-German. They are there, their just not dark enough to be seen.But then, strangely enough, there is never any complaints that we take too long to get ready to go anywhere. And, after that first time, they never see us blank faced again. I mean, If you love somebody, you don't want to put them through that more than once!