I just saw that commercial for Hardee's, I think it is? It is difficult to know, because, frankly, it seemed that the sandwich shop was secondary to the black car she was washing. Well, I guess that's what she was supposed to be doing, while she was slidding around on the top of it,and laying all over the hood.Squishing that sponge,and sending soapy water all down the front of her,and then crawling around on the floor wearing that black shammy,and then very slowly and dramaticly taking ONE LITTLE BITE OUT OF THIS SANDWICH! Had I not known that her advertisement was about a sandwich, I would have thought it was a car commercial or a cleaning product for cars. Or, an establishment of a more personal nature!
May I say, I am relieved that my local television stations will not run this commercial. I saw it on the internet, and that's the last. I will never see that bit of Porn again, thank you very much!