I am sitting here, with my earpiece strung around my neck, and the phone on the table next to me, waiting, impatiently for the call. Sherry is supposed to call me, tonight, to confirm that she will be here tomorrow. We got it all planned out, last night. She's got the car, she will be here for dinner,and bible study, and games,and perhaps a movie,but with her physical problems,and mine, we have to take these things one day at a time. It's after 11:00, and she should be calling any time, but with us, you never know. She might have decided to take a nap, and not wake up until 2 or 3. Yon son will be here to do the honors for dinner, and I guess we have settled on pepper steak, or pizza, but we'll see. Either will be good.
GADS! I hate to wait. And now, because I am still a bit annoyed from the news I got in the mail, now, I'm hiccuping. I am sure all of you are aware of the consternation of certain internet users with their experience with AOL. Well, you can add me to the list.Long story short, I left them in feb. and I am still being billed now, and it's almost June! So, today we went through re-cancelling! Not a fun time! Then, I had to call the credit card company, and dispute the charge, and had to take two pills to do it because I was so upset, my blood pressure was sky high! I certainly hope that is the end of the saga, but you never know! The last time I called, the guy was snippy with me, and I didn't want to call again, but when you're being swindled, you have a right to stand up for yourself. Snippy guy or not! Anyway, the fellow I spoke to today was very nice, and not a bit snippy, so we will see what we will see!
And the phone just sits there and looks at me, and doesn't say a thing.
Gad! I will update you later. Well, now it is after 12:30, and still no call, and I am beginning to doze,right here in my chair. So, I says to myself, self! If you fall asleep in your chair, your neck and back are going to be in agony when you wake up. My chair has no support above the shoulders..There! I just about broke my jaw with a yawn. I'd say that is an excellent indication that it is time for me to shut it all down, and go have a nap! If she calls while I am sleeping, OH, WELL! I tried to stay awake. I failed. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak....my nest calls...