1.I have been through several trials of late, and I am here to say, the Lord held my hand,and walked with me every inch of the way.It's over. Relief floods my body and soul. A very beautiful thing.
2.I just got a surprise. Yon son has arranged for a new air conditioner to be delivered tomorrow. I am totally stunned! We live in the mid-west of the USA, where the winters are cold and the summers are HOT, and I just can not take the heat. I melt. What makes this news such a shocker, is, we already have an air conditioner, but I have noticed that it is getting old and doesn't quite keep me comfortable on the hottest days, but I never said a word about it. The Kid is psychic, that's what it is...
3.yon son just brought me a treat. He put the bag down,and said, I got you a mandarin chicken salad.Oh, boy! My mouth started to water as soon as I took hold of the bag. But then I pulled out a container,and looked up at him to see if he was laughing.He was not.I said, I think they gave you the wrong thing, and held up the fruit plate.Now, he was working. He had obviously been in the area to pick up the salad,and took just a moment to drop it by, but when he saw they had made a mistake, he put it all back in the bag,and left.Just minutes later, he was back, with the right salad. What a guy!