WEll! I just followed a referrer back, and found out that mine is not the only " THOUGHTS AT THREE AM"! Was I surprised? Indeed I was. But mine is the only one written by featherhead...IronAngel. Meaning I am the original, tat a.m. blogger! I suppose I should be flattered that someone liked the name as much as I did, just as long as something someone else blogging a site by that name is not attributed to me..."or moi". Please don't misunderstand me, I don't care if someone else uses that name, but, I don't want there to be any confusion on who is writing. If you look down, and the site does not say "ironangel blogs, thoughts at three a.m ". It's not me. If you read the post, and at the end, it doesn't say posted by featherhead, it's not me! One of them was called, aqua joe, and there were a couple of others, whom aparently forgot their names, or something. Anyway, there you go.The first one hasn't got a chance, of remaining exclusive.Oh, well.Now you know.You choose!