Well, it's that time again. I have to go back to the doctor. No. There's nothing wrong, other than ongoing" conditions" I will have the rest of my life. Not life threatening, as long as I take my meds, and behave my self well. I feel fine. Which makes this trip out to the lab,and to the doctor all the more annoying. He's fine. I just hate going to the doctor. It is inconvienient. I am a night owl, and yet at his whim I must get up, in the middle of "my " night, get dressed in street clothes, so I will be uncomfortable, and drag myself out in the sunlight...I am so light sensitive, you wouldn't believe it. And, for what? So he can look at my chart, ask me how I am doing and feeling, look at the nurse's notes on my vitals, sign off on my usual medications, and say I'll see you again in three months? That is all he will probably do! And I hate the whole idea. Usually, I don't even go running off to the doctor over cold, or even a case of the sniffles. In my opinion, once a year is really the limit one should have to see the doctor. Now, I am up to every three months. OMG! That is four times a year! It's ridiculous! And, if I object, he says, with your conditions, it is bad medicine to keep giving you pills, without seeing you regularly. Like that settles it. So now, I have two whole days shot, because of my doctor's misguided idea's about good medicine. Well, I have to take a bath, wash and condition and curl my hair today,and that takes hours and hours, because I have long hair. I would have done it yesterday, but there's always a good chance I will sweat it out while I sleep, and who wants to go through all that two days in a row? As it is, I'll probably have to recurl it,when I get ready to go tomorrow. Then, I have to pick out an outfit.This usually takes forever, because I have to take into account the weather forecast, and try to recall just how hot everything is.Then I have to try things on,and make sure the whole outfit looks and feels good. Then, I have to try to go to bed at a "reasonable" hour, so I can get up tomorrow, during the day, get dressed, put my face on, etc,etc. By the time I get home from all this falderall, I would normally just be getting up! I won't be able to have my friend over, I'll be too tired. I won't have a chance to do any writing...and that includes blogging. That really frosts my cookies! But, what can I do? He has me over a barrel here.If I don't go running out there when he says so, he just might withhold my meds, and then what would I do?
Why, oh why couldn't I have just gotten a normal old quack, comfortable with the status quo, who will let me just come to see him when I want to?