I just read over the post following this one,and frankly, without the music, it is singularly unimpressive. It's a great song, but you need to see it with the music, because that is what makes it wonderful. Oh, I fell in love with this song before I got saved, and frankly, if you read the blog without knowing it is a song, and hearing the music, you might get the wrong impression. There are some questionable references, taken out of context. The album, is CHESS. and that is basicly what the song is about.The man singing is Murray Head, who does a great job on it, even though he's more talking than singing.He played the arbitor, during the chess competitions, in the stage musical of the same name.At any rate, check out the blog, and if the words intrest you...( I did do some background on the song) you will find CHESS the album listed amongst my musical treats, click on the icon,and it will take you to amazon where you can purchase the album.I just did that myself, and it takes you right to the very album I have.You can even click on a button that will let you have a slight listen to the very beginning of the cassette.It is called mirano, the first number on the album, and One night in Bangkok is the first number on the flip side, so that won't really give you an idea how "one night..." sounds.This collection of music and song is so diverse that there is something on it, that everybody will love.It is amazing.For instance, in "Mirano", what they are saying is," right now were Italian, we used to be German, the borders keep shifting around " Ha! Check it out!