Not all special occasions are full of high hilarity. Though worthy of marking the date, some are only kept by one,or two persons, without the cake, the flowers, the banners and the presents. No anniversary waltz, no dressing up and going out.No toasting the bride, the groom, the day.Yes, the situation to which I refer, is an anniversary, when only one of the couple is Terra firma bound, and the other has gone on to their reward. You know, others will try to tell you that the first year is the worst,and I agree, it is bad, but, when you have the Almighty to send you someone to help and console you, strangely, you don't spend the whole day in tears. The first anniversary of his passing just passed,and I didn't spend it with a long face, in sackcloth and ashes. I was quiet because the memory of all the years we had together kept coming up in my mind.From time to time, I do a blog called"three beautiful things". I couldn't do one that day. because I had so much more than three to enumerate...I couldn't possibly count them all. Friends and family called, two or three, and offered consoling thoughts to cheer me, but they didn't understand that I didn't need cheering. I thanked them for their concern, and hung up as soon as I politely could, because I had to pay attention to the movie rolling in my head. See, for that one day, the memories were so clear, so sharp, it was as though I had him back for one day. I re-lived all the fun, all the romance, all the delight we shared in each others company,vignettes of times when we grew together, of private jokes we shared, of secret words we called each other,and Oh! the look in his eyes when he would express his love...and how large and moist and dark those eyes when I spoke of my love of him. I did not spend the day languishing in my darkened bedroom, weeping because I missed him so.I was up and doing all the normal things I usually do, and unless they were aware of the date, none could have known there was anything even remotely important about that day. I was completely normal, if a little quiet. Except for a rather far away look in my eyes,perhaps a little sparkle on my lashes from time to time, and if they were looking close, the barest hint of a smile would curl my lips, as I hummed "Unchained Melody. " Yon son made the day easier for me, because he remembered. He knew and he made certain I didn't have any drop in visitors. It was he the Lord put at my side to prop me up, and was there if I wanted to talk. But, it wasn't necessary. I can only carry on one conversation at a time, you know.