I had a dream.It was so wonderful, I don't know where to begin. Usually, I am up until I can't keep my eyes open any longer,because I have this compulsion to write, and I don't stop all night long, as a rule.However, last night I had a problem, I didn't feel well, and so I took to my nest, with book in hand, to just rest, and read, and drowse, and perhaps, to dream.I did the usual, door locked, lights on,lights off, throughout the house, until only my bedroom light was on, turned on the oxygen,slipped into the bed,fiddled with the pillows until they were just right, and settled back, with Molly on the pillow next to me, putting her head under my hand.I stroked her and read,listening to the soft whisper of my fan, and the delicate purr of contentment from that glossy black pile of fur that lay on the next pillow, until I began to drift off...and twice was reawakened, by a gentle paw on my hand, reminding me to pet her.But, sometime after that, I drifted beyond caring or feeling that paw.I was flying, once again.When I fly, I have enormouse wings, and I glide or flap, without effort. I feel the rush of cool wind against my face,and I love that feeling. To go with the wind, whereever it takes me, up above the cares of this world,into the beauty of the clouds, and beyond.I almost always remember the flight. I don't always remember where I went, or the things that I did there, but most often, I visit the throne room, and tell the LORD I love him,and I know he loves me too.And when I wake up, I know I have been flying again, because I feel that sensation of having just landed.Just coming back to earth.Because,deep in my soul, I am so happy, that I rush to the typewriter, or now, the computer, and try to get it all down, while it is fresh in my mind.Before the last little wisps of my dream leave me. On occasion, I have words, rattling around in my brain, like a beebee in a boxcar...words that I feel compelled to pass along. I am not certain where the words come from, and yet, I do know, too, because of the nature of the message.It all goes back to an experience I had as a child. I was walking home from school one day, after having had a fainting spell in church, again...and down in my spirit, in my inner being, came words." I have a plan for your life. I have something for you to do." I responded,as only a child will...Okay.But that was all. So, I waited, a long time, and I never forgot that moment, or the words, but I always knew I would hear it again.I have.Several times.Leading me.Guiding me.But, until now, there has been only small things I have been asked to do. Seemingly simple little things. Say these words. Speak to her about this. Speak to him about that.Play this tape for that person.Pray for so and so.and the real big one came. Everyone I bring to you needs to be saved. At least, I thought that was the big one. Now, I am not so sure. Inwardly,I tremble, considering what I must write next, but not because of any fear I have as to what your response may be. I am not responsible for what you do with the message.I only care that I deliver the message as HE intends for me to.I only ask,and ask again, is this in truth what you would have me to say?
"Worship God while you may, for the time is coming, and now is, when you will step out the door, and into eternity, without warning,for perilous times are upon you, and now is the test, the time when you must choose.One life,and one life only have you been given to make the choice of heaven or hell, you choose, you decide,not I! You are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, the message is all around you,seek me,and you will find me! Get ready,get ready,get ready!"
Thus sayeth the Lord!
Posted by: rusty | May 28, 2005 at 07:22 PM